"Ten? Give or take."

Ten? Seriously.

I wanted to laugh at her saying she had no chance but I kept quiet.

"Still not enough but it'll do, for now." Cole shrugged, tensely.

Chloe then flared straight at me. My body tensed, as she made her way towards me.

Then out of the blue; Slap. Kick. Punch.

"There, your pretty much healed so I had to ruin things up a bit." She smirked. I just glared at her, "Got something to say bitch?" She sneered.

I managed to smirk, sassily. "Were to you born on a high way? Because that's usually where accidents are made."

I seriously deserve a high-five. On the face. With a goddamn chair.

She smiled, sadistically at me, "You think you're funny, don't you? We'll see." She turned to Cole, "Cole, I'm getting tired of her bitchy attitude. Do what you need to do."

Cole got up, greedily and marched his way towards me.

The chains were gone but the rope stayed. Chloe just stared at me with a cynical look on her features.

"I'm gonna have fun, fucking you." Cole said, sinisterly.

The color that was left of my face drained. W-was he going to rape me? Cole grabbed my tied writs and dragged me towards the stairs of the stone house. I moved and grunted all the way there.

Oh My Gosh!

My mind was hazy and suddenly I felt a soft thing on my back. I was on a bed. I screamed and yelled for help as he unbuckled his jeans.

"Help! Someone Help me!" I yelled, frantically. Cole grabbed my ankles. He was wearing his boxers now.

"No one is going to hear you scream, slut." He whispered, cynical.

"Help! Help!"

He covered my mouth with his belt and slapped me. "Shut the fuck up!"

Just then he was ripped away from me and I cried severely. A crack filled the room, to be followed by a ear-piercing howl of misery. A pair of arms encircled around me. "Shh, it's me. It's me. I'm here." Aidan's familiar voice whispered soothingly.

I raised my eyes to meet his, "Aidan? Oh My Goddess, Aidan!" I cried on his naked chest. "Don't cry, now baby. I'm sorry, I wasn't there for you earlier."

Then a horrible thought came to mind, "What about C-Chloe?" Aidan gritted his teeth together, "She's taken care of." I looked around the room to see Cole's dead body lying on the ground.

With that, I collapsed. Giving in to the darkness.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

What the hell is that sound?

'It's called a heart monitor.' My wolf, sassily commented.

Wait, wolf?

'Yes, I'm back. I'm sorry I took so long.' Reina whimpered.

'What do you mean? Where am I ?' I asked.

'Open your eyes.'

Now noticing I had my eyes closed, I peeled them open. Only for them to shut because of the blinding light; unconsciously letting out a groan in the process.

"Baby? Are you awake?" A hoarse voice said beside me. I groaned, "Lights.." A sexy chuckle left the lips of the person. "Open your eyes now, love."

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