Thirty Six

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Caroline arrives at Klaus's house, heart racing as she gets out of the car and heads up the long driveway. She doesn't bother knocking on the door, not wanting to wake up his parents who are probably asleep.

She enters the house, the familiar scent filling her senses as she looks for Klaus. Finally deciding that he's probably in his room, she heads upstairs quietly.

"Care?" Kol asks, his voice low yet soft. His sweatpants hang off of his hips, his white        T-shirt clinging to his abdomen.

"Hi," she says, unsure of how to explain this.

"What are you doing here?"

Oh, just here to see your brother because he had a nightmare. No biggie. Oh, and did I mention we kissed? Twice.

"Science project with Klaus. We just remembered about it and it's kinda last minute. Due by twelve tonight," Caroline bullshits, watching as Kol's facial expressions relax slightly.

"Oh, okay. Hey, after you're finished can we talk in my room? I have to tell you something kinda important," he blushes, and for once, Caroline realizes Kol Mikaelson is nervous.

"Of course. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah everything's fine. It's just something I need to get off my chest," he rubs the back of his neck in an anxious way.

Caroline offers a friendly smile, "okay."

"And uh, if you're up for it, maybe we could stay up and play video games together? You know how we used to in middle school all the time? If you're up for it..." he gulps, and she can't place why he's suddenly so nervous around her.

"Sure, sounds fun. Alright, I got a science project to finish. I'll see you later," Caroline nudges his shoulder playfully before letting him head back into his room.

The smile from her face fades as she knocks quietly on Klaus's bedroom door.

"Come in," his voice says from inside.

She opens the door, walking over to his bedside where he lays. She can't help but to admire that even with clear tear stained cheeks and messy hair, he looks utterly breathtaking.

"You've been crying," she observes with a small frown, taking a seat next to him.

"I do in my sleep. It's kind of a habit when I have a nightmare. I can't control it, which sucks," he grunts, ruffling his hair.

"You have nightmares regularly, then?"

"Sort of."

"Why didn't you tell me about them?"

"Because the fact that an eighteen year old guy has nightmares about his family dying every week isn't exactly a good conversation starter," he confesses, his eyes not daring to meet hers.

"It's about them dying?" she attempts to get more details.

He shrugs, "sometimes it's about them. But more recently... never mind."

She narrows her eyes, "more recently what?"

"It's nothing," he pushes the comment away.

"Klaus, please. You can trust me."

The sentence makes him shiver, his entire heart aching to kiss her right in this very moment. She looks beautiful, even when she's tired and only in sweatpants and an oversized shirt that fits her loosely.

"More recently the people changed. It's not Rebekah or Kol or my parents or any of my family dying- it's you. And I can't save you. And that... that kills me, Caroline," Klaus's voice breaks at the end, the sentence coming out like a whimper.

She pushes a strand of hair from his face, caressing his cheek, "I am not going anywhere, Klaus. You don't have to worry. I'm always going to be here."

"It's so real, Caroline. My dream. I always wake up and scream your name, but you're not there. For a few moments, sometimes, I think it's real. Like tonight. That's why I called you. I had to know you were okay," he admits, tears threatening to pour from his eyes.

She instinctually takes his trembling hand in hers, rubbing her thumb against his as they sit in silence. She stays like this for a few minutes, letting him calm down.

"It's okay to be vulnerable, Klaus."

"Mhm," he brushes the comment aside.

She rolls her eyes at his stubbornness to let anyone in. He always has been secluded, using sarcasm and snarky comments as a way to cope with his own feelings.

"Hey, look at me," she tilts his chin up.

His blue-green eyes stare into hers, almost as if afraid to look away.

"If you ever get a bad dream like that again, I want you to know it's okay to call me. No matter what time it is, I'll always be here for you. Always, Klaus."

Her words delve into him like a brick, his heart unable to process the unusual feeling.

"Thank you, love. You're the first person who hasn't run away when I tell them about my shitty life," he admits.

She giggles at that, "you can't get rid of me that easily, Mikaelson."

He can't help himself, and before she can even process, he leans up and kisses her. Their third kiss, and yet it's the most vulnerable, most sensual, most perfect kiss Caroline has ever experienced.

She never wants to pull away- that is until she hears it. Someone else. She instantly pulls away, looking behind her.

"Kol!" Caroline gasps, horrified.

Klaus stays in his bed, too stunned to even do anything.

"I- I thought you two... you lied to me?" Kol narrows his eyes, unable to process him emotions.

He's angry, but he's devastated. Tonight was supposed to be his night. Their night. He was going to tell Caroline finally, tell her everything. His feelings for her that he's been holding back for years now- but none of it matters anymore.

"Kol, please, wait! Let me explain!" Caroline walks towards him, only to be stopped.

"Just... just leave me alone," he turns on his heel, heading out of Klaus's room.

• • •

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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Best Friend's Brother // Klaroline High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now