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Caroline can't believe it when he walks into her classroom, nearly fifteen minutes late already on the first day of science.

"I take it your Klaus?" Mrs. Gates asks, hands on hips as she eyes him up and down.

The whole class has their eyes on him, but he couldn't care less. He knows what they're all thinking deep down, what they say behind his back. It gets tiring after awhile, so he simply lets them think he's some rude, bad tempered teenager with no respect for adults. Klaus even sometimes plays into the act just to get a rise out of people.

"Mhm," he responds, his eyes landing on Caroline with a playful smile. She scowls, rolling her eyes and slouching back into her seat.

How can a senior be in a junior's class?

"You do realize you're late, Mr. Mikaelson?"

Klaus's gaze stays on Caroline as he answers with a small, "yup."

God, how rude can someone be?

"Take a seat. There's one open next to Mrs. Forbes," the teacher responds, annoyed. Caroline practically slaps herself for being the only one with an open seat next to her. As if the day can't get any worse- Klaus is her lab partner.

"Gladly," he answers, sitting beside Caroline who awkwardly slumps further into her seat, if possible.

"Looks like we're gonna be science partners, Forbes," Klaus whispers once Mrs. Gates continues on with the rules of the classroom and course overview.

Caroline shivers from his soft yet low tone of voice, rolling her eyes, "how are you even in this class? You're a senior. Shouldn't you be in a senior class?"

"I was in the highest level of AP science last year so I technically don't have to take any more science classes."

Caroline looks at him this time, confused, "so then why are you in my science class?"

"I chose to retake the class for fun. What else is there to do in this boring ass school?" he answers simply, shrugging his shoulders.

Caroline's jaw drops in disbelief over why someone would chose to retake a class over getting a study hall, shaking her head, "you're absolutely insane."

"That's what they say, isn't it?"

• • •

When Caroline gets home, she practically collapses onto her bed, groaning into her pillow. All of her classes are perfect- all except for one. Science. With Klaus.

To think just yesterday she was excited about science this year makes her insides turn. A class she used to love she now dreads because of him.

She ponders why he gets to her so much, makes her blood boil. Maybe it's because he thinks he's so much better than everyone else. Maybe it's because Kol hates him as well. Or maybe it's just because he's truly a bad person, as the rumors report. He did make those ignorant comments about her and Kol that one night at dinner, whose to say he's not what the rumors tell him to be?

"Hi sweetie, I didn't even hear you get home. So, how was your first day?" Caroline's mom asks, taking a seat beside her on the bed.

Caroline mumbles out a, "fine," causing her mom to furrow her eyebrows in frustration. She certainly wasn't expecting a full on story of how her day went, but one worded answers? Is that really how today's going to go?

"Fine? That's it?"

"Yup," Caroline closes her eyes, yawning. Her body is begging for some sleep, but she knows if she sleeps now, she'll never fall asleep later. The mountain of homework doesn't help either. I mean, how much homework can teachers possibly give you on the first day? A lot, apparently.

"Do you have any classes with your friends?" her mom pesters, hoping to get a more detailed response this time.

"Not really," Caroline's voice raises in an annoyed tone, and her mom takes this as a cue to leave her alone, knowing how when she gets like this, all she wants is some alone time.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna head to work. There's some leftover pizza in the fridge for dinner. I'll be home around eight," she gently places a kiss on her head.

"Okay, love you," her daughter replies tiredly, letting another yawn escape her lips as her mom exits the house.

Being an only parent, she often has to leave Caroline alone, even if she doesn't want to. Of course she'd love to hear about her day and talk with her about what's going on, but she just doesn't have the time.

Caroline's nearly asleep when her phone buzzes, causing her to jump awake. She reads Kol's message, rolling her eyes.

I hear Klaus is in your science class? Lol. Good luck.

She quickly types back a response, tossing her phone on the nightstand and closing her eyes once again.

Don't remind me.

• • •

Thank you for all the support on this story so far! I've had so much fun writing it.

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Best Friend's Brother // Klaroline High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now