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"Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug!"

Caroline easily gulps down the beer in seconds, wiping her mouth after she finishes the bitter tasing liquid that she knows all too well.

"Yes! That's my best friend!" Elena giggles wildly, throwing an arm around her shoulder. Caroline laughs, throwing her head back. She feels so liberated, it's amazing.

"That was pretty impressive back there," an unfamiliar voice bellows from behind her. Caroline spins around on her heel, facing the tall, muscular figure.

"Oh yeah?" she smiles playfully, crossing her arms.

"My name's Tyler, Tyler Lockwood."

Her interest suddenly peaks at the familiar name. Tyler's arguably the most popular and good looking football player in high school.

"I'm Caroline," she smiles brightly.

"I know," he grins, eyeing her up and down with a small lick of his lips.

She looks down with a faint blush, proceeding to look back up at him.

"Tyler, dude! Come here, you have to see this!" a guy calls off in the distance.

Tyler frowns, rolling his eyes, "I'll be right back."

Caroline grins, her arms crossed as her eyes trail his backside, eyeing him up and down. She has to admit, she likes what she sees.

"Why are you talking with Tyler Lockwood?"

Caroline jumps, gasping as she turns around to face Klaus who now stands tall, directly beside her.

"What the hell, Klaus? You scared me," she hits his chest.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to," he frowns, and seems sincere.

She rolls her eyes, "it's fine. Why do you care if I talk with him or not?"

"Look, Caroline, Tyler... he's not a good person. I know from experience. You should stay away," Klaus informs her, his eyes set on Tyler with a cold glare.

"How would you know what Tyler's like?"

"We used to be friends sophomore year. Little did I know he went behind my back, spread rumors about me, how 'dangerous' and 'rude' I was. He basically made me who people think I am. He made people fear me just because he was mad that I was getting more popular than him," Klaus explains with a grimace.

"Klaus, that was a long time ago. He seems like a cool guy now."

"You should stay away from him. He's bad news."

"Who are you to tell me who to stay away from? Not to be rude, but it's not exactly like your friend group are the best people either," Caroline retorts, causing Klaus to roll his eyes.

"In comparison to Tyler they're amazing."

"Klaus Mikaelson, haven't seen you in awhile. I thought your parents sent you away or something?" Tyler approaches the two, a wide smirk on his face. Caroline tenses, feeling the tension between them.

"Don't play innocent Lockwood, you know I've been back for weeks."

"My apologies, maybe I just don't notice
low-life's anymore," Tyler growls.

"What the hell did you just call me?" Klaus asks, his voice low and much more intimidating than before. Caroline meets Tyler's eyes. Even she can sense he's nervous.

"What's the matter, low-life? Can't stand being a burnout? I mean, even your own parents hate you. That must hurt-"

Tyler's cut off when Klaus's fist makes way into his jaw, crushing him. Caroline covers her mouth with her hand, shocked as she takes a step back.

"Wrong move, Mikaelson," Tyler says lowly before punching Klaus square in the nose, leaving blood.

The two boys go at it, each of them giving punches here and there, until Klaus finally knocks Tyler down, straddling him and beating his face in even more.

"Klaus, that's enough!" she yells, but he doesn't listen.

Kol rushes into the crowd now formed around the fight, ripping Klaus from Tyler.

"That's enough! Tyler, go away," Kol growls.

Tyler scoffs, mumbling quietly, "whatever," and heads into the bathroom to fix himself up.

"Klaus, I thought I told you to stay upstairs! What the fuck happened?" Kol asks, annoyed.

Klaus looks down to Caroline, and then back at Kol.

"Nothing," he rolls his eyes before quickly heading off upstairs, leaving Kol, Caroline, and Bonnie and Elena as they arrive next to them.

"What just happened?"

• • •

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Best Friend's Brother // Klaroline High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now