Thirty One

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Extra long chapter for you guys! Merry Christmas! :)

"Caroline! Come on! We're all waiting!" Liz yells from outside her room, where Caroline is currently placing the last strand of hair into place.

"One second mom! I'm almost done!" she calls, looking at herself in the mirror.

For once, she smiles, happy with everything. Her red dress fits her perfectly, outlining her curves and collarbone. Her hair is pulled up, pinned into a braided back bun which shows off her silver earrings nicely.

Everything has to be perfect for her. This is the night of her dreams, after all.

She opens the door, walking out with a smile. Tyler and her mother are waiting, their jaws dropping at the same time when coming face to face with her.

"Oh my goodness, sweetie! You look stunning," Liz gasps, nearly crying as she pulls her into a hug.

Tyler finds his words eventually, shaking his head as he walks towards her, "you are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on."

His lips meet hers, her heart fluttering.

"You look just as handsome, Ty," she complements him, resting her head on his shoulder for a second before her mom interrupts their moment.

"Okay, picture time! Come on, get in closer," Liz ushers the two, who giggle at her antics.

She snaps a few photographs, admiring the two together. It's the first time she's seen Caroline truly happy, and for her, that's all she could ever ask for out of Tyler.

"We better get going, hm?" Tyler asks, resting a hand around Caroline's waist, pulling her into him.

She smiles with a small nod, "of course. I'll be home by eleven, okay?"

"Okay, I love you. Have fun, be safe," she smiles, letting the kids run off.

• • •

When they arrive, Tyler is quick to open Caroline's door for her. She thanks him, taking his hand in hers almost immediately. It's the night of her dreams, so why is she nervous?

She pushes the thought aside for now, instead taking in the cold air and music blaring from inside the venue.

"You ready babe?" he asks.

Caroline nods, "of course," before the two head inside.

Hundreds of people are scattered around the dance floor, Caroline looking for two in particular.

"Care! Hey, you finally made it!" Bonnie smiles, Kol standing beside her.

Caroline eyes the two of them, slightly confused.

"You two came here together?" she asks.

Bonnie blushes, answering quickly, "just as friends! We both didn't have dates so we just thought why not, you know?"

Caroline can see the hurt in her eyes as she lies about their situation. She can tell Bonnie longs for it to be more than just friends, but Kol is clearly still interested in her and Bonnie could never get in the way of that.

"Friends?" Caroline clarifies.

Kol laughs, "is that such a weird thing?"

His defensive tone is unusual to Caroline. Usually he is so... kind to her. Her mind wanders back to his blank expression when she told him how she and Klaus had been friends long before she ever told him, and worries that he could be pushing her away because of that.

"No, of course not!" Caroline states almost immediately.

Tyler eyes the three, instantly changing the subject, sensing the tension it's bringing.

"I don't know about you guys but I could sure use some food. Hungry?" he suggests with a comforting smile, squeezing Caroline's hand gently to reassure her. He knows how nervous she gets sometimes.

"Starving, actually. I saw the buffet and it looked to die for. Come on," Bonnie grins, leading the trio to the food.

Caroline eyes the huge crowd, looking for Elena and Klaus but failing to see them anywhere.

"Is everything okay?" Tyler whispers to her, rubbing her hand.

"Of course, yeah. Just hungry is all," she kisses his cheek, forcing a smile. He hands her a small plate which she then fills with snacks like cheese and crackers and mac and cheese.

"This is so good," she groans, shoving the food into her mouth.

Kol, seemingly lightening up a bit, laughs at her and nudges her shoulder, "slow down there."

Caroline looks up at him, giggling, "shut up."

The words come out muffled from the food in her mouth, making them laugh harder.

"Hey, Caroline. Wanna dance?" Tyler suddenly interrupts, his eyes narrowed.

"Uh, I was kinda-" but she can't finish her sentence before Tyler is pulling her away from the group and onto the dance floor.


"Since when does Kol have a thing for you?" Tyler asks, his eyes fixated on him.

"Are you kidding? Tyler, he's my best friend. We've known each other since we were kids," she attempts to laugh it off, but his face remains in a frown.

"And since you were kids he apparently has had a thing for you," Tyler practically growls.

"Hey, what's wrong? I mean, so what? Even if he does, it doesn't mean anything. I'm with you, Ty," she places her hands on his face, kissing his lips gently.

He smiles for a split second, relaxing into her touch.

"I know, I know. I just get a little jealous, you know? I want you all to myself," he explains, kissing her cheek, his hands roaming her waist as they dance to the soft music playing in the background.

"I'm all yours. Don't worry, okay? Now let's just enjoy the night and-"

"Care! Hey!" Elena's voice pipes up from behind them, eliciting their attention.

"Hey, you look amazing! What time did you guys get here I was looking all over," Caroline hugs the brunette girl who looks lovely in her white and elegant prom dress.

Caroline's eyes gaze at him, standing beside Elena, silent as ever. His hand is placed on Elena's waist, but his eyes are locked onto hers.

"Klaus, hey," Caroline smiles, genuinely happy to see him. Her heart races, faster than she's ever thought it could. Why is she so nervous?

Tyler's words bring her back into reality, "Mikaelson... I didn't know you were coming."

"And what a splendid surprise to see you here too, Lockwood," Klaus grits his teeth.

"Hey, not tonight guys. Come on! It's prom! Let's have fun! Dance, drink, eat, talk!" Elena chimes in, a grin on her face as she tugs on Klaus's arm, wanting to dance.

Caroline eyes the two as he reluctantly gives in to her desires, placing his hands on her waist and heading off.

"Ignore him. For me."

"I can't believe Elena is here with that guy-"

"Just tonight, Ty. Please," she begs, caressing his cheek.

He places his lips on hers, smiling and taking her onto the dance floor.

"For you."

• • •

Gonna update tonight again probably, or tomorrow!

Be prepared for the next chapter, things get heated... ;)

Vote and comment!


Best Friend's Brother // Klaroline High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now