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It's Caroline's fault, really. She knew she shouldn't have taken the afternoon nap after school because she wouldn't be able to sleep that night for school.

She was right.

Caroline practically drags herself into first period, which just so happens to be science, that morning, yawning as she slumps into her seat in the back of the class.

"Why don't you look energetic, Forbes," Klaus comments, his smirk as wide as ever.

Caroline turns to him, "I'm really not in the mood to talk to you of all people today, Klaus. Look, just don't talk to me and we won't have problems, okay?"

"Well don't I feel welcomed," he jokes, and the two turn their attention to the teacher.

Mrs. Gates welcomes the class with a large smile, her energy way too much for Caroline to handle this early in the morning.

"Good morning everyone! I'm expecting you all did the reading and questions last night, correct?" she asks in a perky voice, fixing her dress.

Caroline yawns once again, taking out the sheet from her folder while rubbing her eyes.

"Didn't sleep well, I take it?" Klaus whispers as Mrs. Gates goes over the reading.

Caroline rolls her eyes in annoyance, "didn't I tell you just a minute ago not to talk to me?"

"You think I listen to when people tell me what to do?"

She sighs. The least she can do to make this dreadful situation more bearable is at least try to make conversation with him.

"I went to bed at two in the morning. I couldn't sleep," she explains, this time her voice slightly less irritated which Klaus notes and smiles at.

"Still better than getting no sleep last night."

Caroline eyes him, "you didn't sleep at all?"


"How are you even functioning right now?" she asks in amazement.

"Dunno, guess I'm just used to it."

Mrs. Gates scowls at the two, "Klaus, Caroline? Something you'd like to explain to the class?"

Caroline's face goes red whereas Klaus stays completely normal, used to this type of behavior from teachers.

"No I think we're good, Mrs. Gates," he answers for the two of them, his tone patronizing.

She raises an eyebrow, "it's very disrespectful to talk when the teachers talking, you two. You should know that by now. I expected more from a junior and senior."

Caroline feels her face turning redder by the second, not used to being scolded in front of the class. It's humiliating, honestly. She feels like she just wants to curl up and hide from everyone's intense gazes.

"Well maybe you shouldn't expect so much from us, Mrs. Gates," Klaus retorts.

Mrs. Gates' face goes bright red at this in anger, "I'll see you two after class."

Two?! Caroline hides in her hands. This is unbelievable! She didn't do anything! It was all him! He probably set this up, didn't he?!

Caroline is silent the rest of class, dreading the moment the bell rings. Mrs. Gates signals the two to come over, and they oblige.

"I will not tolerate the snappy comments and talking back to me, your teacher. It is unacceptable you two, you should know this! You're in an AP class. I expect you to know the rules. Since you two were so impolite today, I will expect you to stay after school for thirty minutes for a detention. I know this is a harsh punishment for the second day, but I must set boundaries. You're excused. Now get to class," she dismisses the two with a wave of her hand.

Caroline's jaw is dropped the whole way to her locker. This is outrageous.

"She's a total bitch-"

"Don't, Klaus. Just, don't," Caroline stops him, quickly rushing to her next Klaus, leaving him to stand alone.

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Best Friend's Brother // Klaroline High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now