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Caroline groans when her alarm clock goes off. Five in the morning on a Saturday is not a time to be awake, at least for her.

She sits up, rubbing her tired eyes. She really shouldn't have started packing at midnight last night. Her eyes peer at the now full suitcase filed with snacks and clothes.

Multiple texts from Kol make her attention turn to her phone.

Please tell me you are sitting next to me on the bus ride!!

If you don't I will kill you.


If you end up sitting with Elena or Bonnie so help me god.

She grins, enjoying his little freak out.

Shut up. Of course I'm sitting with you, dumbass.

She laughs to herself before getting up, throwing on a pair of leggings and a comfy sweatshirt that she can sleep in on the ride there.

She can't say she isn't nervous at all about this trip. Especially since Klaus is also going, and after their whole argument, she isn't exactly thrilled to be spending all night with him.

Caroline proceeds to shake her head, not wanting his childish actions to ruin her trip. She brushes her teeth and pulls her hair into a high ponytail. She applies little makeup, just enough to make it seem like she actually got more than four hours of sleep.

How does Kol manage to get two hours of sleep per night and act fine?

"Ready to head out?" her mother asks, scrambling to get her purse and car keys.

"Ready when you are," she says and the two head outside.

When they arrive, the bus is parked outside of the school.

"I'll see you tomorrow night. I love you and stay safe!" her mother calls out as Caroline exits with a small wave and tired 'I love you too'.

"There you are," Kol greets her with a tired smile.

"Hey," she grins, yawning.


"I got three hours of sleep. I don't know how you do it, Kol," she leans on his shoulder, and he lets her, laughing.

"Honestly? I don't either."

"Hey," Elena and Bonnie greet the two, shivering.

"It's freezing out!" Bonnie groans, and everyone agrees.

"I know. When are they gonna let us on the busses?"

Caroline's question gets cut off when suddenly a teacher announces they can head on. She takes a seat next to Kol, throwing their stuff in the overhead compartment.

Her heart can't help but race as Klaus gets on, his eyes making contact with her. She gulps, looking away as he passes by, purposefully sitting in the seat directly across from Kol and her.

This should be a fun ride.

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Best Friend's Brother // Klaroline High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now