Twenty One

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"Okay, now that everyone's here," Mrs. Gates eyes Klaus and Caroline before continuing, "you may all lay your sleeping bags throughout the main lobby. If you need to use the bathroom, please do so in the next ten minutes."

Caroline looks around before finding her bag, taking out everything she needs including a pillow and her lilac colored sleeping bag. She sends a quick goodnight text to her mom before setting up her sleeping space beside Bonnie.

Her eyes can't help but to notice Klaus awkwardly eyeing around, unsure of who to sleep next to. Certainly he can't go next to his brother who is on the other end, seeing as they hate each other. He also doesn't really know anyone else, and Caroline can't help but to frown. Even if she is sort of mad with him, she feels the need to be kind.

"You can sleep next to me- I mean, only if you want. If you don't it's fine, I just thought that-"

"Thank you, Caroline," he interrupts her rambling with a small grin, laying his black sleeping bag beside her own, about a foot apart. Of course it's black, she thinks to herself. I mean, does he own any other color?

"You know, you letting me sleep beside you is a pretty nice gesture. It's almost like you're not mad at me anymore, hm?" he jokes, sarcasm dripping from his lips.

"Shut up or I'll make you move across the room," she fires back, hiding back a smile.

He chuckles at this, nodding while tossing his pillow down.

"And I'll have you know, I am still mad at you," she crosses her arms, looking up at him.

Klaus grins, "oh really?"


"Good, so back to the usual I suppose?"

The stupid grin doesn't fade from his face.

She narrows her eyes, "stop smiling like that!"

"Like what?"

"Stop it."

"I have no clue what you're talking about. You're still mad at me and I'm still mad at you, right?" he asks, faking an innocence.

"Right. I'm going to use the bathroom," she rolls her eyes, grabbing Bonnie's arm and leading her against her will to the bathroom.

"Hey!" she says, eyeing Caroline when they reach the overly crowded bathroom.

"Sorry, I just had to get away from Klaus. He's so aggravating, you know?" Caroline groans, beginning to take off her makeup.

"Well I'm sorry you were having trouble with your Mikaelson, but I was doing quite fine with mine!" Bonnie argues playfully.

"Your Mikaelson? You mean Kol?" Caroline laughs.

"Oh I'm sorry, some of us actually have to work to get guys to like us. Unlike some people," she smirks, nudging Caroline in a teasing manner.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asks, genuinely confused.

"You're joking, right?"

"No, why? I'm pretty sure no one likes me right now," she replies, being serious.

Bonnie nearly laughs at this, "oh my god, Care! You're so clueless."

"Tell me!"

"How is it possible three guys, probably more, like you at once and you don't even notice?" Bonnie asks, arching an eyebrow at her friend.

"Three guys? I mean, I know Tyler likes me but who else?"

Bonnie can't help but to giggle at Caroline's oblivion to the situation, "oh you know, only the two Mikaelsons who kept eyeing you all night!"

Caroline shakes her head with a laugh, "Bonnie, Klaus and Kol do not have crushes on me! Klaus hates me if anything, and Kol and I are just best friends."

"One, everyone knows Kol has a thing for you. He's liked you since the first grade, Care. Two, Klaus is totally falling for you. I mean, running hand in hand while laughing uncontrollably? That's like straight out of a movie."

Caroline runs a hand through her hair, ignoring the last part. There is no way Klaus likes her, and she knows that. But... Kol?

"Are you serious about Kol? Does he actually like me?" she asks, her voice turning serious as she finishes taking off her makeup.

"It's so obvious, Care. He always has to be touching you, whether it's hugging you or putting an arm around you. He loves making you laugh, or just talking to you- especially taking about you. When you're not around, you're still the only thing on his mind. I'm just surprised it took you this long to find out, honestly," Bonnie shrugs.

"This ruins everything, oh my god."

"Why? You're still just friends, right? I mean... unless you like him back or something..."

"No, that's why. I don't like him like that. Kol's always just been my best friend. He... he's nothing more to me. How does he feel about Tyler? I tell him all of my crushes. He's probably heart broken each time," she frowns, suddenly feeling a pang of guilt.

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to like him back. You can like who you want to like. This changes nothing. You're still best friends. He'll move on eventually, don't worry."

"I hope... let's just get back to the group. I'm really tired."

• • •

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! What do you think about Kol having a crush on Caroline? :)

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Best Friend's Brother // Klaroline High School AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora