Twenty Six

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She ends up, surprisingly, being the first one at the library after school, searching for any sign of Klaus. When she doesn't see him, she figures he's getting his stuff together and takes a seat in one of the back tables, putting in her headphones to block out anything else going on around her.

Her mother's words play back in her head, making her flinch slightly. 'Is something wrong, Caroline? You're not like this, usually. You're letting yourself fail and I'm worried. Are you okay? I'm so concerned. Is it my fault?'

She closes her eyes, only to be startled by someone sitting opposite her.

"Hi," Klaus states, taking his stuff out of his bag.

"Hey," she says softly, taking out her earbuds with a sigh.

"Look, Caroline, I'm sorry about yesterday I was-"

"No, Klaus. It's okay. I was just stressed. It's nice enough you even agreed to tutor me. Thank you by the way," Caroline feels her face flush. He probably thinks I'm an idiot, she frowns.

"No problem. It's nothing, really. I'm happy to help," he says, and for once is genuinely kind about it.

"So, where do you want to start?" Caroline asks, forcing a small smile.

"Well, I feel like you're struggling with the recent lesson a lot, right?" Klaus asks to make sure.

Caroline blushes, nodding. It's weird to say this and not feel like she's being judged for not understanding something. Her whole life she's been taught to be perfect, so admitting that she is falling behind is an unusual thing for her.

"Okay, so I think we should start here. Sound good?" he smiles.

Caroline nods, unable to stop a smile from peeking out onto her lips. Seeing Klaus like this is weird... him being helpful and not a total asshole is a start.

• • •

"It's been an hour already?" Caroline asks once Klaus begins to put away his textbook.

"Time flies, hm?" Klaus eyes her, smirking.

"I guess so," she shrugs, standing up and grabbing her bag.

"Hey, I don't want you to feel weird about this. I know we got in an argument a few days ago but... can we just forget it? I don't want to argue with you anymore. If you want to be with Tyler... then I'll learn to deal with it," he places a hand on her shoulder gently, taking her by surprise.

"And if you truly want to be with Elena... then I'm happy for you," she lies, but it's the nice thing to say. He's trying here, after all.

"You know I wasn't lying when I said she's not my type," Klaus chuckles, throwing his bag over his shoulder as they walk out of school together.

"Doesn't mean you can't go out with her. She really likes you, okay? Give her a chance. Word is she's looking for a prom date- but you didn't hear that from me," Caroline smiles, poking his chest playfully as a warning.

Klaus smirks down at her, "is this your way of telling me I should ask her out?"


"If you really want me to... then I suppose I can. She is pretty hot after all-"

"Hey! That's my best friend," she smacks his shoulder, causing him to laugh and throw his hands up in fake surrender.

"I'm just joking. So tomorrow after school again?" he asks, walking backwards towards his car.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Nah," he smirks.

"Then I guess I'll be there," Caroline grins, happy about how the day went.

"I'll see you tomorrow, love."

• • •

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Best Friend's Brother // Klaroline High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now