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Wrapped in blankets and stripped of his wet clothes hyungwon was laying in a bed that felt like heaven. Yet he was oblivious to it in his drunken state of sleep.

Not even Hoseok stepping into the room, freshly showered and admittedly half naked, could tear the sleeping beauty from his dreamland.

Light snores escaped his full lips as he curled up in a ball, taking up most of Wonhos luxuriously soft mattress.
Usually this would be annoying to him, but what could he do when Hyungwon looked like a precious little kitten.

He stepped closer to the edge of the bed slightly towering over the sleeping boy, shaking his head.

"How am I gonna fit beside you when you take up so much space?" Wonho mumbled brushing Hyungwons bangs aside, smiling at the sight.

And as if on cue the younger slightly moved to the side, barely making enough space for Hoseok to slip into the covers beside him.

And I know what you're thinking.
Why doesn't Wohno go to sleep on the couch and are they in wonhos apartment?

To answer that, we'll go back in time.

After Wonho had fished hyungwon out of the pool, he quickly became aware of the younger not feeling too well. Aside from that he'd also catch a cold if he stayed in these soaking wet clothes for a bit longer.

"Let's go~" said Wonho flashing a reassuring smile. He helped Hyungwon all the way back to his car and carefully placed him in the passenger seat. As Wonho took his place behind the steering wheel he could feel a slender hand poking his thigh weakly.

He looked over and was met by Hyungwons cat-like eyes.
The face of the younger was tinted in a heated drunk blush and glazed by a thin layer of sweat.
"Where are we going?", he asked half lidded, trying to lose his jeans jacket.

"We're going home." Wonho smirked.
"But we cant go without Kihyun!"
"Why?" Hoseok asked before shrugging.
"We left him in good hands, trust me." He said smugly.

Hyungwon only nodded. The alcohol was now fully active, taking it's turn on the boy.

As Wonho started the engine, Hyungwon was pressing himself against the glass window, doing little to counteract the boiling heat swapping him away.
Half way through the car ride, the younger pulled on the collar of his shirt, trying to get the warmth off of him.

He bit his lip as a frustrated hum escaped him. This grabbed Wonhos attention, who had just halted the car in front of a red light.

Their eyes met and it felt as if electricity was in the air.


Hyungwon leaned back in his seat, arching his back. His wet pastel pink hair falling into his face.

"It's too warm in here." He said staring at the older with glazed eyes. Both were lost in each other for a moment, until Wonho was taken back to reality when he heard honking behind them.

As hard as it was, the older teared his stare from the younger and continued driving in silence.
This had Hyungwon confused. Did Wonho not understand that he was melting in that very moment?

Hyungwon looked at the older in disbelief, but soon got distracted by the olders beauty.
Wonho was dressed in tight black clothing. The deep v-neck he was wearing exposed enough skin for his collarbones to be on display, alongside with a bit of upper chest.

None of this was of any help to Hyungwon. It may have even made him sweat a bit more.

When they arrived in front of Wonhos apartment, both got out of the car. For the first few steps it was easy for Hyungwon to walk, but as his knees were jello, he tripped and fell.

It ended up with Wonho carrying him up the stairs in bridestyle.
And after a few minutes of struggling with the door the two finally got inside.

The older headed straight for the bedroom, carefully dropping Hyungwon off on the bed. Then he walked to his closet and grabbed grey sweatpants and an oversized black shirt.
"Here, change into this, we don't want you to catch a cold." Hoseok said softly, bending down to Hyungwon who was sitting on the edge of the bed, ruffeling through his hair.

The two made eye contact and blood rushed to the olders cheeks, before he quickly stood up and went to his kitchen.
He swiftly put water in the boiler, preparing tea.

A couple of minutes later and the silence was growing suspicious. The boy finished making two cups of the green drink and set them aside.

When he came back to his bedroom an unexpected sight had him spin right around.

"H-Hyungwon! What are you doing?"

He had just witnessed the younger kneeling on the bed lifting the shirt, Wonho had given him, up to his chin revealing his porcelain looking skin. Not to mention, the younger had gotten rid of his pants leaving him in tight black underwear.

"What am I supposed to do? It's boiling in here!" He spat mockingly.

Immediately after saying that there was a thud followed by a groan behind Wonho, and as he turned around Hyungwon had fallen off the bed, face first.
Hoseok chuckled and walked over to the other.

He grabbed him by the waist and pulled him up, so they were standing in front of each other. He took the tallers thin hands and gently placed them on his neck, so that he wouldn't just fall over again.

Well at least he thought that this would work. But when Hyungwon lost his balance yet again, he dragged Wonho straight down with him, leaving them laying on the bed with his hyung hovering over him.

None of them dared to move in the slightest at first, but as Wonho found himself getting inappropriate thoughts with the younger underneath him he shifted his knee slightly upwards, attempting to get up.

This however earned a breathy whimper from the other as Wonhos knee had accidentally rubbed against his heated area.

The sound was somewhat high pitched and made hoseok fall hard. If took him a full moment to digest what had just happened. He let out a sigh, he didn't know he was holding. He was just about to apologise and practically run out the door, when Hyungwon pulled him closer by the neck.

Oh hell, he really didn't know he was playing with fire.

The younger arched his back and whispered faintly "touch me".

But well, Hoseok had a lot of self control, and it took the best of him to lean down, kiss Hyungwons forehead and sit up straight.
Hyungwon really was a mess.

Wonho smiled as he stood up and wrapped a blanket around the younger. "I'm gonna take a quick shower. Please rest a bit, gorgeous."
He turned to go, but Hyungwon grabbed his had.
"Don't leave me.." He said eyes a bit teary.
"I won't, I'll be back in no time."

"But I don't wanna be alone tonight."

"Then I'll be there, princess."

And that's how they ended up sleeping at Wonhos house.
Well, well, the calm before the storm.



Bully;  2wonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora