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Get ready for our first Hyungwonho interaction.

Hyungwon POV
I hate everything.
Why am I here?
I should have gotten a 2nd coffee.
I thought as me and my two friends entered class.
We were 5 minutes early but there still wasn't a single student.
That's odd.

"Wait. What class did we have now!" Kihyun asked and rubbed his neck.

"Wait, I'll check" Minhyuk said and took out his timetable.
"Sports for two hours." He sighed.

The three of us were quiet.
"I'm going home! Im done! istg!"
I spoke and laughed in misery.

"Should we skip?" Kihyun asked me.

"Don't even consider it." Minhyuk warned.

Me and my hamster friend sighed as the three of us made their way to the lockers where we got our clothes and subsequently went to the gym.

We went into the boys dressing room. The moment we stepped inside it already smelled like deodorant. A few guys from our class gretted us as Minhyuk  shouted a loud "good morning everyone!".

When we reached the back of the room we put our stuff down and started getting changed.

While we were getting ready Minhyuk started living up to his traitor being and began chatting with Jooheon and Changkyun.
Me and Kihyun just rolled out eyes and kept on dressing.

I had put on my sweatpants, so I took of my black oversized top. When I was about to put on my Adidas shirt I suddenly noticed eyes burning into my fair skin.

I looked over my shoulder just to lock eyes with Shin Hoseok.
Suddenly the things from yesterday came to my mind. I quickly turned to face my locker again.

Did he tell the others? If so then why haven't they said anything yet?

I got nervous as I put on my top and my trainers.
Suddenly Kihyun grabbed my shoulder and whispered "calm down."

I turned to look at him and smiled weakly. Of course it was much more easy to say this than to actually do it.  When we were ready me and Kihyun walked into the gym. Minhyuk followed soon after.

Behind him, of course, were his freshly found friends. Not that I gave a shit but I really didn't need him dragging people, who used to bully him, around.

Kihyun and I sat down quietly.
When the teacher arrived. Since last week we hadn't had sports, we saw the teacher for the first time.
His skin was tan and he was really tall. I think even a few centimetres bigger than me. He mind have been in his mid thirties.

Our teacher waited for us to quiet down and then spoke:
"Hello class!  I am your sports teacher, Mr Bi. Pleased to meet you!"

"So today we'll play basketball and since its great weather we'll use the sports ground outside. Let's go."

We all stood up and went to the said place. On the way there I was making a scene and had Kihyun and Minhyuk laughing their ass off.
When the whole class got there Mr.Bi made us run 10 rounds around the whole sports ground.


After round three about 5 people gave up and walked.
At round 6 Minhyuk gave up as well. And at round 7 Kihyun and I were dying. He was surprisingly worst as me.
"I should have quit smoking a long time ago! My lungs! Am I dying?"

I couldn't keep myself from laughing and shook my head at him.

"You better stop laughing! Your legs are much longer than mine, you're just jogging while I'm sprinting!" He complained.

We made it up to the 9th round when Kihyun couldn't bear it anymore.
"Go do it without me... I won't make it! Don't do it for yourself, do it for Minhyuk and me!" Was the last thing that he managed to say between heavy breathing.

So that's what I did and I instantly regretted. I noticed that there where only 5 guys who were keeping up with me.

At last was a guy named Yugyeom, who was calmly jogging along side his friend Jackson. A little closer was Shownu who locked pretty irritated. Then a little more up front was a brunette. I think his name was Jungkook?

And then right behind me was Shin Hoseok. Great.

To be completely honest, I fucking hate sports. My lungs are burning, my legs hurt, I'm sweating like a pig and I'll probably collapse by the time I finally stop doing this shit. But after all, I won't stop at the last round.

Not gonna lie. I probably would do that and not give a shit about it but I have this dude behind me who I can't stand and if I stop, he'll be first place.
Can't risk that.

I let my long legs carry me to the end, where I finished and finally walked slower.
Kihyun and Minhyuk were cheering for me, but soon talked about how they would have made it too if their legs would be longer.

I clung onto Kihyuns shoulder and let him support my weight.
"I'm dying. I'll never walk again! I can't feel my legs... why am I still here, just to suffer..."

My friends couldn't hold themselves from laughing as I complained about overdoing it.

The teacher then put us in teams and made us play basketball. Which was pretty boring, because I am way to tired for this game, Kihyun is too short for this game and Minhyuk is just not good at all.

After, what seemed like ages, the two hours finally went over. So we went back to the dressing room.

I was teasing Minhyuk about how bad he was at sports while we were changing. My eyes wandered through the room and suddenly stopped at a piece of meat that looked fine af.
'Sexy back' was literally the only thing to describe this.

Fair skin, sculpted abs, broad shoulders, a dream.
Because I was so focused on the muscles before my eyes, I didn't realise who I actually was looking at. I was about to process who it was, when the person suddenly turned around.

I gasped when a perfectly toned six pack was revealed. My view went a little to the side where strong arms were. The best part were the veins.

I am a sucker for veins omg daddy

I jokingly thought in my head and turned to Minhyuk again, who was still talking about how the other team cheated, with a burning passion.

I put on my shoes and reminded myself that I hadn't really looked who this nice body belonged to. So then I looked up inconspicuously and wandering over his amazing upper body to his face. There I suddenly locked eyes with a cocky, smirking bastard.

ISTG the chapters get longer every time but I think you don't mind?

Btw look at me telling you that this was gonna be the first Hyungwonho interaction... guess  what! It's not!
Smh sorry the chapter was suddenly too long and I really don't wanna make it 2k words sooooo... I GUESS YOU'LL HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER.

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