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Hyungwon POV

I looked at the boy who was coming for the seat next to me. I internally chocked on my coffee.
Shin Hoseok aka the boy who I walked into this morning.

I calmed myself down as I took another sip of my coffee. I turned around again, hoping that my two friends would help a bit. I could read it in their faces, they were desperate to know what I thought.

"Come on, it's alright guys." I said. I turned my back as much to the seat next to me as I could and then mouthed "WHY THE FUCK IS HE SITTING NEXT TO ME? WTF?".

Minhyuk: "because it's the only free seat next to Jooheon that isn't taken."

Kihyun: "Minhyuk switch seats with Hyungwon!"

Minhyuk: "But-"

And in that moment the teacher entered.

"Ah shit" I said underneath my breath.
I backed up to the end of my chair hoping to not be noticed by someone.

The teacher went to the front of the classroom and waited until everyone was silent.

"Good morning, class. I'm your homeroom teacher Mr Kwon. Nice to meet you." He bowed before he continued.
"It's nice to have all of you here in our department for 'graphic design and production'. I hope to have a good time with you! Now shall we begin. The first thing well do is go through our name and introduce ourselves. After that I'll give you 30 minutes to talk individually and get to know each other."

I rolled my eyes in misfortune. Normally this would have sounded nice but not right now. Not here with the guy that used to bully the living shit out of me. Haaa I'm so unlucky.

"Okay If I call your name stand up and introduce yourself." Mr kwon said. He went through the girls first but I didn't really pay attention.

Then he started with the boys.
Kihyun was the third one.
"Yoo Ki Hyun" he stood up and a few heads turned. Four of them where Hoseok, Jooheon and two other guys from our old school.
"Hi, I'm Kihyun and I'm here because I like art. Nice to meet you."

Then directly after Kihyun one of the two stood up. "Son Hyun Woo".
I looked at Minhyuk and he seemed shOOk.
Kihyun hit him, so he would stop starring. "I'm Hyunwoo, but you can call me Shownu. Let's get along."

And after him that one name was called that I never wanted to hear again. "Shin Ho Seok".
Named boy stood up and you could hear girls whispering.
"Heyy I'm Hoseok but I rather want to be called Wonho." He smiled and sat back down.

Fml. His proportion were almost perfect and he had a cute lisp. It wasn't as much as Kihyuns but it was still there.

I got pissed at my own thoughts and gulped down my remaining coffee.

Two minutes later my name got called. "Chae Hyung Won" I stood up and a few girls giggled. But not only girls were staring.
"Hi my name is Hyungwon. Please take care of me." I smiled a fake flower boy smile as I sat down.

But the feeling of eyes burning holes into my body didn't disappear.

"Okay class, I'll be back in 30 minutes." And with those words our teacher left the room.

I took my phone out of my pocket and went through Instagram.
I wasn't as sure anymore but I thought that I might got stared at.

Suddenly Kihyun stood before me.
"Let's go" he simply said.
I was confused but followed his request. I got up and stood next to him until we walked out of the classroom with Minhyuk following us.

We went to the cafeteria, got drinks and sat down at the last table at the corner.

"Okay guys, team speak! What do we think?" Minhyuk asked looking specially at me.

"I think our old classmates got hot. Like seriously have you seen Shownu? Damn... or Changkyun he is so fine oml!" I chuckled as Kihyun broke character.

I took a sip of my fresh coffee, when Minhyuk said something that immediately made me choke...

"Kihyun did you see how Wonho was eye-fucking Hyungwon?"
Kihyun laughed as he tried to hold back.
"YO GUYS DON'T JOKE ABOUT SHIT LIKE THIS." I whisper-shouted. The redness was swelling into my cheeks. WHY AM I BLUSHING OMG

"Look princess, I don't wanna make fun of it but you should have seen his face when realised that it was you." Kihyun said teasingly.

HELLO WORLD. I really hope this story does well because I'm having the time of my life writing it🙆‍♀️😂

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