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When we silently opened the door we looked outside to see if anyone was there. No one.
We walked to the side of the roof that wasn't illuminated like the rest was.

We squatted down there because if someone came they wouldn't be able to see us.

I thought about what happened earlier and figured that it would be good to ask him about it now. He was always calmer when he was smoking.
"So Kihyun. Let's be real. You seemed to be okay earlier this week. How did you get to remember." I asked in a low voice.
Kihyun looked at the street lights below.

He took a puff of his cigarette and spoke. "I mean it's kind of silly..." he laughed apologetically before he continued.
"I got a follow request on social media... AND I KNOW YOU FIND THIS FUNNY AND YOU'RE GONNA ROLL YOUR EYES AND LAUGH BUT IDGAF SO DON'T EVEN BOTHER." He said and double timed the last sentence.

I sighed at him and pulled out my phone. I opened Insta and gave Kihyun my mobile. He was confused but understood quickly.

I shamefully looked down, ears burning red, and spoke "I've stared at this for one hour straight before you came along and still didn't do anything."

Kihyuns laugh busted out. We looked at each other and couldn't stop laughing.

"But if the two of us got the follow request then... Minhyuk probably got it too!" Kihyun said as he immediately pulled up the contact and pressed call.

It took me a few seconds until I realised that it was in the middle of the night and school would start in a few hours.

"OMG ARE U INSANE?" I screamed as I jumped on my best friend to end the call.

Kihyun laughed as we wrestled for  the phone. We were laying on the wet floor when I heard footsteps.

We looked at each other and Kihyun ended the call immediately. We stayed in this position with widened eyes. Fuck.

We both shuffled and sat next to each other trying to make ourselves as small and the least visible as possible. 
My heart was pounding against my chest as the footsteps grew louder.

If my neighbours would see us out here on the rooftop, where I wasn't even allowed to go, my landlord would be angry af.

I couldn't picture anything worst than my landlord coming up and catching us smoking on his rooftop. BOY WAS I WRONG.

The sound stopped and the door swung open. Two dudes stuck their heads out to see if the rooftop was clear.

Kihyun and I were not daring to breathe. We had our heads covered with our hoods, so in the worst case scenario we would just make a run for the door.
Or so we thought.

The two guys then stepped out of the door and walked to the railing surrounding the edge. The two lit cigarettes and started talking to each other.
"So you're gonna do that tomorrow?" The taller one asked. "Yeah, I think so." The smaller one said. His voice was deep and sounded just as familiar as the taller ones. Kihyun tuged on my hoody with a shocked expression.

"But remember what Shownu told us! What if he beats you up like those bullies?"

"Nahh look at him. Kihyun hasn't changed at all since middle school."

BITCH I WAS SO CONFUSED AND SO WAS KIHYUN. I took a closer look at them and finally realised what my friend had figured out a minute ago.
The two guys in front of us were Changkyun and Jooheon.

"Fuck" I whispered just so loud that Kihyun could hear. We just sat there and listened.

Then Kihyun suddenly tapped my shoulder and whispered "Let's make a run for it!".

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah they are talking about Wonho and Shownu joining them soon so we should hurry." He answered.
I nodded. He was right.

"But first..." Kihyun started and smirked. "Let's teach them a lesson."

The two of us pulled our turtle necks over our nose and our hoods in our faces. We crouched towards them when they were distracted.

Then the moment they noticed us Jooheon screamed like a little bitch.

Kihyun and I sprinted towards them and he kicked Changkyun right in the balls. Jooheon was so shOOk that Kihyun even had time to punch him right in the face. And then we ran for our lives. Down the stairs and through the hallway. Jooheon screamed after us and was chasing us.

The moment we were out of the buildings door, my eyes meet an other pair of really confused ones. And I accidentally fucking fell onto a confused Wonho. We were both so confused.

When I fell Kihyun stopped in his tracks and shouted "hurry up bitch".
I got up from the boy and then we ran again.

We heared shouting behind us and I suddenly noticed that the turtle neck wasn't covering my face anymore. FUCK.FUCK.FUCK.


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