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Hyungwon POV

The sun was shining on my face as I buried my head even deeper into the silky pillow.
I turned around to face the darker side of my room in an attempt to block out the light. This was the way I've spent every morning for the last 6 weeks. Barely waking up just to try to sleep even more.

After twisting and turning I figured, that sleeping wouldn't be working out for me, at the moment.
I opened my eyes and took my phone in my hands.

I was surprised to see 7 missed calls from Minhyuk and 3 from Kihyun. Was today something special or why did they so desperately try to wake me from my beauty sleep?
I layed my phone aside, still wondering what was up.

I rubbed my half asleep eyes as I thought. And after 30 seconds it finally hit me...
Today was the first day of college and I slept halfway through the entrance ceremony.

My eyes grew wide as I sat up quickly, while screaming. I slapped my hands on my cheeks groaning. My legs were quicker than my brain as I was already up and dressing myself. Luckily I already had an outfit picked out.

While getting dressed I called Minhyuk.
"Hyungwon where are you?" Was the first thing he asked after he picked up.
"Bro you still got some time left, just get here as soon as possible!" he said and hung up.

I threw on my coat, grabbed my keys and my wallet and busted out the door. On my way I passed a small bakery and debated on going in.
After struggling I just went in and grabbed a coffee. When I stepped outside again I felt the cold wind blowing in my face.
The air was getting colder nowadays.

Completely focused on the weather I walked towards the door of the huge college building. This was one of the reasons why I decided to go to this 'school', because it is close to my house.

I hurried to the door and right in front of it, I accidentally walked into someone who was also trying to enter. I almost spilled my coffee all over their black jacket. I only had time for the smallest glance at the guy, so all I could take in was that he seems well built and had a black jacket with studs. I was shocked because of the sudden impact our body's made but I quickly snapped out of it. Now is not the time, I really need to hurry.

I didn't even have time to take a proper second look at the boy before I opened the door, muttered an apology and went in.

I saw a few people trying to find they're classrooms. This was telling me that I had completely missed the ceremony and with that had no idea which room I belonged to.

I screamed internally and thought about how to figure this out. I got a buzz in the middle of my real life crisis and looked at my phone.
It was a message I got from Kihyun just now. It read "Room 103".

I smiled in relieve and ran for the stairs. Luck was on my side today, I thought as I went into the third room on the first floor. The door was still opened, which told me that the teacher hadn't arrived yet.

When I went in I was greeted by Minhyuk and Kihyun arguing over whether they should get me or just wait.
I smiled in relief as I made my way towards the two of them.

I collapsed onto the chair in front of Minhyuks table. The two boys were clearly surprised to see me.
"Wow, Hyungwon! You were so quick!" Minhyuk said.

I proudly pretended to do a hair flip and asked about what I had missed.
"Nothing really, it was really boring. At the end of it we all got our timetable and a list of everyone in our class. Here I got the papers for you."
I thanked the light brown haired boy as I received the two papers.

"Do we know anyone?" I asked as I took a look at the names on the sheet of paper. "Idk not really I guess. A few kids from our old middle school." He said with a careful look on his face.
Kihyun looked worried but shook it off quickly. I laughed to their surprise. "Oh come on, it's alright guys. I don't care about it anymore. I'm so over it!" I said while sipping on my coffee.

They nodded.
I took a second look at the paper out of nervousness.

I mean it was true that I don't really care who it is, since things are different now. I'm way more confident about myself than I used to be and I don't care about other people's opinions anymore.
I have enough friends nowadays.

I observantly went through the names.

Don't know them, don't know them, don't know them, don't know th-. Wait.

I went over the last name one more time. No way. I was so shOOk when I read the name again that I didn't notice the classroom door open. But when a few girls gasped I looked up.

The first thing I noticed was the black jacket with the studs. Oh? it's the door boy. Whatever.

I turned to face Minhyuk again and when I saw his face, I was slightly surprised. He looked at me as if I had missed something.
"What?" I asked when Kihyun joined in on nervously looking at me.

"What do you mean! I thought it would effect you a little bit more when you saw him!" Minhyuk whisper-shouted. I was dumbfounded.

But seconds after, when I heard footsteps coming up behind me, I had a suspicion of what they mind mean.
My eyes grew wider and I turned around.



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