Chapter One : Classmates

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Katie's Pov

Kat - Kat! Come get your breakfast or you'll be late for school!" My mother yelled from downstairs. Groaning, I forced myself to get up and get ready for school.

"Kat - Kat, hurry! Your breakfast is getting cold!" She yelled once more waiting for a response.

"Hold on mom! I'll be there in a sec!" I yelled back at her. I have always hated the name Kat-Kat but over the years, I guess I got used to it. My real name is Katherine, but I prefer Katie. Although no one in school really talks to me so no one has ever called me Katie before. I just hope no one finds out about the nickname my mother gave me though. After a quick shower, I got all dressed for school, rushing downstairs as as i greet my parents a 'cheerful' good morning.

"Katherine Joanna Taylor!" My mother sounded angry at me.

"What, Mom?" I said in response rolling my eyes reaching down the stairs to get some breakfast.

"What's taking you so long? Don't forget you have to pick up your cousin Richel on the way to school okay?" My mother said staring at me like I have short term memory or something.

"I was getting ready, and okay, Mom. Got to go now!" I said grabbing my bag and keys going out the door.

Richel is my little cousin, she's only about five years old, and I feels like she's a little sister that  I   never had. She has the same dark brown eyes, black long hair, and a little chubby too, just like me. It's Richel's first day in kindergarten and I had to drop her off and pick her up later. I drove up to Richel's house to take her to school.

"Hey, guys! I'm here to bring Richel to school." I said coming out of her car. My uncle was outside fixing the doorbell.

"Oh, hey Katherine." My uncle said with a smile."Your aunt is just helping Richel out with her uniform for school. You can go inside, they're just in the living room."

"Okay, thanks!" I walked in to see my cute little cousin so excited for school. "Hey, Richel, ready to go?"

"Mhmm! I'm ready! Mommy can I go now?" Richel was so hyped up she's actually an hour early.

"No, sweetie. Your daddy and I will drop you to school because it's your first day okay? Katherine can drop you next week while we adjust to this." Richel's mom said as she helped Richel with her backpack. 

"So, just shoot me a text if i'll pick her up. Bye Richel! Have fun at school okay? Kinder is going to be real fun!" I gave my cousin and aunt a kiss goodbye and went on my way to school.

As I drove to school, I only had ten minutes left before the bell rings for first period. I decided to  park my car anywhere else and rush into class early. Like I said, I don't really talk to anyone in school, all I do in school is to get good grades and get the hell out of there. School started a week ago, I am finally a senior, one more year of this and I can be on her own. Walking down the hall I walked into my first period class, which was of course the one I hate most of all, Math.

Why did I have to take Math so early in the morning? All it does it make me even sleepier. I thought to myself as she took a seat at the very back and went over her homework (yupp, i'm a nerd. Nerds hate certain classes too you know.) I always sit at the back so no one will notice me.

"Well, I got a good five minutes left."  I thought to herself as I looked at the clock.


Ian's Pov

First day of school for me, I'm a week late I hope I can catch up. I said thinking to myself as I looked at my schedule.

"Hmm, M101. Math class, I love Math, good way to start the day." It took me a while but I found the class. As I opened the door all eyes were on me.

Shit, this feels awkward. Did I kill someone or something? I didn't expect to feel this nervous

"Uhm, is this Mr. Marcus' class? Pre-Calculus?" I asked hoping that i'm in the right class. The other students seem to not pay attention to me anymore.

"Yes I am, and yes this is Pre-Calculus, and you are?" The teacher asked standing from his desk.

"I'm Ian Knight, I apologize for being a week late, and I had a family thing going on." I said as I gave my teacher my schedule.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Knight takes a seat anywhere you'd like I was just about to start the class." He said giving my schedule back and goes back to take attendance.

I looked around and was surprised that this class was full, there were two empty seats at the back, and I decided to take a seat there. Walking to choose a seat, people were staring at me like I looked too dumb to be in the class. Who could blame them though, I was dressed too nice; Jordan white and red shoes, Bulls black and red hat with a black and red hoodie jacket to go with it, but all I did was ignore all the glares. I chose the seat behind a girl in her baby blue hoodie. The other seat was behind this guy that looked like I shouldn't even bother him so I wouldn't take any chances on that.


Katie's Pov

Class starts and Mr. M goes over the lessons as fast as he can so the can catch up, while he was doing that, I decided to put my head down for a while.

"Shit." I heard him say quietly. I wonder what was that about? Just then I felt a slight tap on my shoulder.

Shocked, I didn't  really realized that he was sitting behind me. I looked back at him. I noticed he had his notebook out already, I still wonder what he needed. That was when our eyes met.


Ian's Pov

I got my notebook out to make it look like i'm ready to learn.

 "Shit.." I realized I didn't bring a pen or pencil with me, what an idiot.

Who comes to school with nothing to write with? The girl was the only one closer to me, so I tapped her shoulder. She turned around, out eyes met, and... I couldn't believe what I saw.

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