Chapter 24

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3 years later....

Brooklyn's POV:

"Hey Karen! How's everything back home?" I asked walking around the room eagerly. "Oh everything's great sweetie!! We just miss you a lot over here!! And for god's sake just call me mom?" She said laughing. "Okay mom. Well I have some news to tell you!! ... I'm going to be moving back to London tomorrow!! I know it's a little soon but I just really wanted to see how you guys are doing and get settled early.!" I said squealing. "Oh my goodness!! That's great honey!!! I have to tell everyone.! We can't wait to see you and the best thing is that Liam comes home today from the world your with the boys!! So you can see him tomorrow and Danielle unfortunately has a business trip over in Australia so we won't get to see her for a couple of months but I know that when we do see her she'll be happy to see you too!!" I should mention this.. Liam and the boys had auditioned for the X-Factor a few months after I left a few years ago. And they made it so far but got eliminated. Luckily Simon offered them a record deal and now 'One Direction'(the name of their band) is a worldwide sensation! They were so talented and I was really proud of all of them! I still kept in touch with Niall, Alex, and Cass(yes I forgave her), but not too much with Liam I haven't talked to him since that day in Paris three years ago. I still love him. I couldn't get over him after all these years. I tried my best to forget but I couldn't. So after they became famous I got an acting and musical career and have been acting in a few movies and have released my first album a couple of weeks ago. I heard that Cass and Ozzie made it onto Liverpool! Alex had been signed to a famous modeling label in London. Life has been great other than missing Alex, Ozzie, Cass, and the boys. Especially Liam. I shook my head out of my daydream and said goodbye to Karen(Liam's mom). I hung up the phone and flopped on my bed thinking what's going to happen when I see him again. With his floppy brown hair and dazzling chocolate eyes. I put my hands to my face and tried to fall asleep but kept thinking about what was going to happen and does he still love me?

Liam's POV:

I was supposed to pick her up at the airport today. Her flight arrived at 9:30 and I watched as millions of people poured out the gate area. I just looked for the long, wavy, dark brown hair and cute dimpled girl I hadn't seen in three years. I was a international pop star now and she was a famous actress and singer. I never knew that much could happen in just three simple years. I hated this airport. It brought back my worst memories. Honestly, I never really stopped loving Brooklyn. Yeah sure I haven't talked to her for a long time but I still loved her for her. I immediately spotted the smiling face that lighted up an entire room and she ran up to me engulfing me in a hug. "Oh my god! Liam!! Look at you!! Your in one of the worlds most popular boybands!!" She said smirking at me with humor after I set her down from hugging her tightly back. "Well what about you Miss Famous Actress and Singer I know.! I missed you so much!!" I said looking at her beautiful caramel eyes. I brushed my hand against her hair tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She blushed and whispered on my ear, "I missed you too. I really did." And winked carrying her bags to my car. "Fancy car you got here." She said admiring the cherry red Ferrari. "Thanks! It's awesome right?!" I said grinning back at her. "Totally!!" She said nodding and hopped in the passenger seat. "So where too?" She asked curiously once I jumped beside her in the drivers seat. "Well, mum said that she had a surprise party planned for you and I had to stall you from coming home so I guess we could do anything you want but my fans and the paparazzi are everywhere so choose wise and always wear sunglasses when you're with me!" I said giving her a purple pair of Ray Bans. "Way too ruin the surprise part if the party." She said sarcastically and winked. "Oh...oops." I said blushing. "Thanks for the update." She said smiling back at me and slid on her pair of sunglasses and looked gorgeous in them and without them. Honestly, she looked beautiful every second of the day really. She got a bit taller than I remember we are both 20 at the moment and look different from the last time we saw each other Exocet for her. She stayed the same original Brooklyn that I remembered but just a bit taller and full of energy. "So whatcha wanna do today?" I asked starting the car up and slipping on my sunglasses also. "Um how about we go sightseeing? Even though I've lived London for almost all of my life I've never been to see Big Ben, a phone booth... Oo! How about we go on one of those double decker buses?!" She asked excitedly grinning. "Sure! Sounds fun!" I said smiling back at her. She had much more deeper dimples and she wore some makeup but it was natural not all caked up which made her look stunning. "So... how have things been?" She asked breaking the awkward silence. I stared out at the road while driving downtown. "Um good I guess but during the whole tour Alex and Cass missed you a lot ever since the day you left really. But once they heard the news that you're moving back they got super ecstatic that you're back. I was too a lot." I said mumbling the last part so she couldn't hear it too good. "I was really excited too." She said elbowing my shoulder. I guess she heard the last part. I blushed. "What's up with you and blushing? I think my old self has rubbed off on you." She said smiling at me with those dazzling straight white teeth and deep dimples and plump baby pink lips. "It definitely has but it seems like you haven't changed too much." I said smirking at her. She blushed and said, "I'm still same ol' me but you've changed a lot may I say but not you're personality seemed to have stayed it's classic self. I mean look at you you've grown taller, have apparently been working out, and you've grown a bit if facial hair that suits you. Along with some cool tattoos may I add." She said finishing up her comment. "Wait. You've seen my muscles?" I asked cheekily. "Duh you're on every magazine I know and those things are gigantic!" She laughed. I blushed and said, "Well you've grown a but taller too and I notice you've added a red streak of color in your hair that adds a nice touch of adorable uniqueness." I said as intellectual as I could be. "Someone's been increasing their vocabulary while I was gone.?" She said looking out the window watching as we drove by cars and trees on the road. "Yup!" I said with a cheesy grin. We broke out laughing and singing to all the songs on the radio. She was one of the best singers I knew. I always listened to her album all the time and she had said she listened to me and the boys all the time and had us on her favorite playlist. I smiled at that thought. Could she still have feelings for me? No. Se left me three years ago because she thought she wasn't good enough for me even though she was. I was the one who wasn't good enough for her. I made the biggest mistake of my life for hurting her and letting her go. I always regretted it. I probably will for the rest of my life too. I care about her so much that words can't even explain my love. She is beautiful inside and out. And I kept my promise I just hope she kept hers. "Liam?" She asked bursting my train of thought. "Yeah?" I said softly. "What are we?" She asked shakily. "Um I don't know." I said quietly. "What do you think we are?" I asked her. "I don't know either...I mean it's been three years but I mean I think we're probably just brother and sister now I think since you know moved on and stuff.." She said with a depressed tone. "Moved on?" I said confused. "Yeah you know you and Danielle, your 'girlfriend'." She said seriously. The word girlfriend sent shivers down my spine. "Um Brooklyn. We broke up yesterday..." I said scratching my neck with one hand and driving with the other. "Oh my god. I didn't mean-I'm sorry-really really sorry Liam-I didn't know-" She said stuttering. "Take it easy you sound like your gonna cry your eyes out at the moment don't worry it was a mutual break up. She just wasn't my type and I wasn't hers either." I said calmly. "I'm sorry I've been an idiot ever since I arrived front the airport just being annoying and curious and stuff. I'm sorry Liam." She said running a hand through her thick hair that had hat bright red streak that made it more lively. "Hey don't be sorry. Okay? It's not your fault. And your not an idiot. Your smart, gorgeous, kind, and hilarious. That's all that matters." I said gently grabbing her hand and giving it a quick squeeze before putting it back on the wheel. "Thanks Li. You really know how to make me feel better." She said smiling at me. "Anytime." I said smiling back at her.

4 hours later...

Liam's POV(still):

"That was the most fun I've had in a while!" I said as I opened the front door of our parents house. "Me too." I said holding her hand softly. It was so tiny compared to mine. Her hair looked so cute in the moonlight all straight and shiny. I locked my eyes with hers for a second when I caught her staring at me with curious brown eyes. I cupped her cheek with one of my hands and leaned in close as we then started to feel each other's breaths. My heart sped up in my chest. I was going to kiss her and this was what I was missing during these past three years. I had found my answer for the giant empty space in my heart waiting for someone. And that someone was her. We almost had our lips touch but then the door bursted open making us jump away from each other quickly. "BROOKLYN!!!!" Said two teenage girls as they tackled her in a hug. "Cass!!!Alex!!! I've missed you guys sooo much!! Especially my older sissy!!" She said happily breaking from the hug. "Um... I'll just go inside an find the guys now...I think." I said awkwardly walking in the front door the living room. "Aye Mate! Where've you been?" Niall asked patting my back. "Um just out with Brooklyn...." I said still quiet from what just happened a few seconds ago. "WAIT BROOKLYN'S HOME?!!!!" The boys said in sync excitedly and ran for the front door and immediately attacked her with hugs. She ruffled each one of their hairs. Even Zayn's which I was surprised that he didn't stop her from messing up his hair. He just smiled like the rest of them and helped her carry in her bags. "Hey Liam!" Said a voice behind me. It was Ozzie. He and Cass had been dating for two years now and have been really happy together which made me sad since I didn't have that with Brooklyn after she left. She never answered any of my texts or calls on the first day that she left. But she always texted the boys or Ozzie or Cass and Alex usually. But never me. I understood though since I kinda abused her and insulted her and made her leave for three years but I've changed from that. I mean I still regret losing her and doing all of that but I've never acted like that again. And I never plan too either. "Hey Ozzie." I said. "What's the matter?" He asked holding my shoulder. "Are you alright?" He asked again. I shook my head and explained too him about how I still have feelings for her and I was about to kiss her outside and then the girls came and we jumped apart from each other and that I don't know if she still had feelings for me anymore and I'm just confused. "Well if I know Brooklyn she had too still like you too almost kiss you again and stare at you like that. She probably still loves you mate! Sometimes you need to take a risk and see if she feels the same way back." He said. "Thanks Ozzie!" I said smiling out the window looking at everyone still outside and laughing and talking to Brooklyn. She lifted her head when Niall nudged her side and whispered something in her ear and smiled, blushed, and waved when she saw me looking down at her. I waved back and laughed. But shot Niall and the boys a glare as they laughed and put two thumbs up while pointing at Brooklyn. She came inside once the guys and girls went home and said hi to our parents in the kitchen. They gave her hugs and kept complimenting how she got much taller and that they loved her new hairstyle. She was nodding and smiling at them. I saw she was getting shyer by the minute so I said, "Well Brooklyn needs to go unpack her things over at my place. So let's go. Like now." I said nodding at Brooklyn she understood and said, "Yeah I'm pretty tired but I'll make sure to catch up with you guys soon! Love you!" She said as I pulled her out the door with all her bags and straight to my car. "Wait where are we going?" She asked curiously as I started the ignition in the car. "To my flat of course." I said. "Oh I can't let you do that. It's your house and I don't want to intrude on anything-" She said shaking her head. "Seriously Brooklyn. We've lived together before and I have so many empty guest rooms you can use that it's not funny. I insist. Please??? I want a roomie!!" I said begging and smiling at her. "Are you positive?" She asked grinning. "Yup!" I said grinning back at her. Then we drove in my yellow mustang back to my flat I'm awkward silence.

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