Chapter 19

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Brooklyn's POV:

"Your so cute when you crinkle your nose!" Niall told Alex. She blushed and smiled at him. I swear to god I was going to kill one of them if we didn't get to the laser tag place right now! "They've been like this the entire ride!" Liam whispers to me on my ear. "I know I feel like I'm going to barf any second." I said gagging dramatically. "Hey if you're going to throw up do it on Louis not me!" He said throwing his hands up in the air defensively. "Hey!" Louis said annoyed. "Enough all of you! I'm trying to Skype with Perrie!" Zayn said angrily. "Sorry lover boy.!" Liam said chuckling. His laugh could literally light up my whole day. I stared at him for a few seconds then exited my daydream because we arrived at the laser tag arena. "C'mon let's GOOOO!!!!" Said Harry impatiently. "Geez Harry calm down a little will you?!" Said Louis patting his shoulders. Harry just rolled his eyes.

Once we all had our vests on we sorted out our teams. "Okay it's me, Liam, Louis, and Brooklyn against Niall, Zayn, and Alex." Harry said. "But it's no fair since we have three and you guys have four!!" Zayn said pouting like a baby. "Did you know that I was a laser tag champion back in Australia?" Alex said winking at her team. "Are you happy now Zayn?" I said sarcastically. He nodded and smiled evilly. "We better pray now." I said to our team. "Don't worry I'll protect you!" Liam said kissing my cheek and pulled me into a hug. I wish we could stay like this forever but then the siren for us to start blew. Our team split up. Liam and me went left and Harry and Louis went right. It was really dark but had some neon lights and stairs surrounding the giant inside of the arena. "Liam I'm scared." I said shakily. "Don't worry I'm right here okay?" He said embracing me in his warm body. "Okay." I said letting go of him. "Here. Let's go up the stairs and hide in the corner so we can shoot from above." He said strategically. I nodded and we quietly snuck up while taking down two of the guys. It was Niall and Zayn. "Sorry guys!" I said while jogging with Liam and past them. "I'll go in first and make sure no one's up there alright? Just stay here." He said nodding at me. "Okay." I whispered. "HELP! HELP!" It was Harry in the distance. "HARRY! NOO!" Louis shouted right below my feet. "HARRY?! LOUIS?!" I shouted out. I heard footsteps and started to sprint up the stairs and ran into what felt like a person. I was about to scream but their hand clamped over my mouth and dragged me up the to the top of the tower. "Shhh! Shh! It's alright. It's just me, Liam. Alright? It's okay. I'm right here." Liam said cuddling me in his chest more. "You scared the crap out of me! I though you were-" "Me?" I heard a familiar voice behind me say. It was Alex. "Please Alex don't kill us!" I said begging. "Sorry Brooklyn. You leave me no choice." She said similimg evilly and quickly took out her gun and shot it in my direction but I did my feel my best vibrate. I only saw a body jump in front of me and it was Liam. Oh it's on now sister! I took out my laser gun and zapped her before she could scramble hers back out. "NOOO!!!" She screamed on defeat. "YESSSSSS!!!" I exclaimed in victory. I immediately hear the siren ring and say that the game had ended. I looked down at Liam who was standing there smiling at me. I engulfed him in a hug and said, "You saved me.!! Thank you!" I said muffled in his shirt. "It was no big deal but look!! You did it!! You beat a champion at laser tag and it was your first time!!! I'm so proud of you!!" He said. Then crashed his lips onto mine in joy. "If I may cut in.. Um we kinda have to go now." Alex said giggling. "Oh yeah!" I said. "C'mon let's go." Liam said entwining his fingers with mine and we both walked out with smiles across our faces. I was to busy looking at Liam's chocolate brown eyes to look where I was going and suddenly ran into a girl who was walking to her car. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" We said at the same time. We both giggled and got up from the ground. "I'm Cassity! What's you name?" "Brooklyn!" I said smiling back at her. "Oh this is Liam my boyfriend, and then that's Harry, Zayn, Louis, Niall, and Alexis but we call her Alex." "Hey!" She said grinning and waving to them. "Hi!" They all said returning the grins and waving. "She kinda looks like you." Liam said pointing at the two of us. Me and Cassity looked at each other the same time and tilted our heads to examine each other's features. She did actually look like me a little. We both had the same smile and nose her eyes were a bit lighter color than mine like a hazel of some sort and she had the same kind of hair like mine except hers was dirty blonde and mine was plain dark brown but they were both wavy. I was a little taller than her maybe like an inch. "We do don't we?" She said curiously. "Yeah...." I said confusedly but managed to smile. "I got to go football practice (soccer) but it was nice meeting you guys!" She said grinning and walking away. "WAIT!" I said rushing up to her. "Here why don't we exchange phone numbers and text each other later?" I asked happily. "Sounds great talk to you later Brooklyn!!" "Bye Cassity!" I said waving back to her. I grabbed Liam's hand and rested my head on his shoulder in the car. I couldn't stop thinking about how much we looked alike. But she seemed really nice. I had a feeling we were going to be great friends. "What are you thinking about love?" Liam asked laying his head on too if mine. "Wasn't weird that Cassity and I looked a lot alike?" I blurted out. "Yeah it kinda was but you it was probably just a strange coincidence and you guys look like your going to be really close friends though!" He said cheerily. "Your right. It probably was just a coincident." I said quietly. We drove back to Harry's house in complete silence and then we all stumbled out quickly and ran into the house since it looked like it was going to rain. Me and Liam both cuddled on the couch a couple of hours later like everyone else. We were all tired out from today's activity and the rain was soothing to listen to while trying to falling asleep. I was locked in Liam's arms that were around my waist and felt his chest slowly pump up and down during his breaths. He was so cute when he was asleep with his little nose crinkled and all.

I was about to fall deeply asleep to but then my phone buzzed and I saw a new text.

From: Cassity

Hey it's me Cassity! Just wanted to say hi since my practice finished up a while ago. So watcha up to? Xx

To: Cassity

Hi Cass!! Oh sorry that's my stupid autocorrect I meant to say Cassity but is it all right if I call you Cass? I kinda like that as a nickname for you!!:p anyways everyone is asleep over at Harry's house except for me of course.! Anyways is it alright if we could meet up right now at like a Starbucks or something? Xx

From: Cassity

Lol! Sure I think Cass sounds cool! Awesome! I'll meet you there in about 20 minutes? Xx

To: Cassity

Sure thing!! C u then! Xx

I turned off my phone and carefully slipped out of Liam's grasp and out my shoes on quietly. Then headed out the door. I then jogged to my house that was a block down from Harry's and opened the door and ran upstairs to change. It took me about 5 minutes to change into a grey Hollister sweater, white skinny jeans, and my batman converses and take a really fast shower too. My hair was a rats neat so I combed it out and out it in a neat fishtail braid that flowed down my shoulder. I brushed my teeth, grabbed Liam's car keys, and rushed out the door. About 15 minutes later I walked in the Starbucks and saw Cassity standing in line waving at me to come stand next to her. I walked over,gave her a hug, and smiled kindly. "Next!" We heard the lady behind the counter say as it became our turn. "Can I have a caramel frappe please with whipped cream?" We said in sync and laughed at our freakish action. "Sure thing! Anything else for y'all?" The lady asked us. "No thanks." Cassity said smiling at her. She paid for out drinks and we sat in a booth near the front and enjoyed our drinks. "So you were also adopted and you are dating your new brother and now live with him in your guys house alone since his parents are on a cruise and his sister is off at college right now?" She said trying to understand it all. "Yup!" I said nodding of approval. "Cool!!" She said interested. "Wait so your adopted to?" I ask curiously. "Yeah my parents dropped me off at an orphanage in London when I was about 1 and I've never heard from them before but my foster parents live in America currently while I'm living here in England by myself." No way I was dropped off at an orphanage on Wolverhampton when I was one too! What did your parents do for a living?" I asked her intrigued by our conversation. "My mom was a professional dancer and I believe that my dad was a lawyer." She said thinking hard. "Oh my god! So were my parents!!" I said freaked yet I was still smiling. "Wait what was your last name before you were adopted?" She asked. "Matthews. Why?" I said calmly. "No freaking way.! That's my last name too!!" She exclaimed happily. "This is getting way too suspenseful for me! We need to go to the hospital and take a blood test like right now!!" I say dragging her out of the booth. "Okay let's go!" She said smiling as we exited out the door.

We both pulled into the hospital parking lot a few minutes later and went to the blood testing section.

(A/N: I don't knowing hospitals too well.)

"Okay. If you two will just wait in the waiting room for a couple of minutes then we will sit the results on the board in a few." The doctor said grinning at us. "Thanks!" Me and Cass said at the same time.

*5 minutes later*

"The results are posted miss so you may look at them now." A nurse said to me entering the room silently trying not to wake Cass who was asleep in the chair next to me. Immediately got up from my seat and headed over to look at then let on the board. When I looked up at the note that was tacked onto the board my eyes immediately widen and my mouthed dropped. I can't believe what I just saw.

Sorry to leave this chapter with a cliffhanger too! But you guys have been amazing for reading this and getting it over 200 views so thanks everyone!!:D And comment what you think about the new characters Alex and Cassity? Thanks!! ~Sierra<3

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