Chapter 3

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Liam's POV:

I was awoken by the scent of pancakes downstairs. Boy was I starving. I chuckled then put on a white v neck shirt and some denim jeans and a pair if navy blue toms and brushed my teeth but didn't even bother fixing my ruffled hair. "So you finally got up did you?" My mother said happily laughing. I looked at the figure staring back at me sitting at the table with a leather brown messenger bag that my parents probably got her as a bag for school. It was Brooklyn. I chuckled to myself because she looked so adorable waiting for me to walk to school with her. "Good morning" she said smiling at me with those warm brown eyes that made me shiver. "Good morning," I said back to her. "We should get going," I said grabbing a pancake to go. "We don't want to be late." I said smirking at Brooklyn while I finished off my pancake. "Okay the.," she said blushing. Man I wanted to kiss her so badly right now! But I can't. And with that we walked out the door.

Brooklyn's POV:

The entire walk to school was in awkward silence.

All Liam could do was smile while staring at me with his gorgeous chocolate colored eyes. And I was just glancing at him with smirks and blushing so hard that my cheeks turned red at one time wondering why in the world was he torturing me by doing this. Finally, we arrived at school and he broke the silence by saying, "Well here we are." He said smiling. I smiled back and answered, "Thank you so much for walking me." "Of course." He said and winked at me and chuckled after. "Do you want me to show you around?" He asked kindly. "Um sure." I said shyly. He smiled with his sparkly white smile and began to show me around.

Liam's POV:

Once the school day was over I went looking for Brooklyn outside and found her walking back home. So I shouted, "Wait up!" and she looked around and saw me so she waved, smiled, and stopped for me. Wow she was so beautiful even when she wasn't trying to be.! What was I getting myself into?! We both told each other about how our days were after our tour of the school was over from this morning. Once we arrived at home I said, "Sorry, for this morning." She looked confused. "When I just kept staring and smiling at you it's just that your really gorgeous." I can't believe I just said that. I began to blush and say something but nothing would come out. She looked at me for a second and blushed and then she shook her head and went inside but I could still see her stop and smirk on her way to the door. That's when I began to think does she like me too? I hope she does or else it would be pretty awkward. So I ran inside to go apologize to her I stopped in my tracks because I heard her voice say from a terrace above that connected to her room say, "I think you're gorgeous too." She winked at me and then closed the door. I was smiling so hard that my face started to hurt which made me laugh and then I jogged back inside before it started to get cloudy.

Brooklyn's POV:

"Goodnight Liam." I said through the through the wall that separated us.

Liam's POV:

"Goodnight Brooklyn." I answered back to her through the wall which ended our short conversation.

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