Chapter 12

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Liam's POV:

I was awakened when I heard a knock on my bedroom door at 4 in the morning. Everything was still groggy looking to me since I had to go open the door. I was still rubbing my eyes when I saw her standing there in her pj's which was a Jack Daniels whiskey tank top that flowed with space since she was skinny and some checkered pajama shorts that stopped at her mid thigh showing off her glowing skin in her legs. "Brooklyn? What happened? Are you okay?" I asked her since she just stood there rubbing her freezing arms and looking me with an embarrassed face. "Your b-body." She stuttered. And I noticed quickly that I had no shirt on. "Oh my god.. I'm so sorry." I said embarrassedly trying to find a shirt. "Liam..take it easy I just was shocked cause I've never seen a guy topless before." She said laughing. "Oh then you don't mind if I don't have a shirt on do you? Cause I have absolutely no shirts right now because I didn't do my load of laundry yet." I said blushing. "Yeah no it's fine I guess.." She said shyly. I sat down on my bed and a patted the empty spot next to me and said, "C'mere." I engulfed her a gentle warming hug and she smiled. "If I may ask why are you here at 4 in the morning?" I said laughing and smiling. "I had a nightmare." She said quietly. I couldn't help but laugh and she slapped me on my arm and said, "That's not funny Liam!" She had a pouty look on her face and crossed her arms like a 5 year old. "Aww is Brookie angwy cause I waughed at her nightmare?" I asked with my best baby voice. "You're gonna get it now!" She said tackling me to the ground. She pinned me too the ground after wrestling me for awhile and said "Is baby Wiam afwaid now?" She said mocking my baby voice. "Nope. But you should be." I said smirking back to her and at the instant I got out of her grip and managed to overpower her and pin her down on the floor. She smiled at me with her adorable face and both of us were caught up in the moment. So I leaned in and in seconds I could feel her warm breath on my lips. I gently placed my lips on her soft ones and our lips immediately molded into each other's. She was so gorgeous in every way and I've never felt this happier in my entire life just to know that I could call her mine. "Liam?" She said grinning breaking from my lips for air. "Yes princess?" I said grinning back at her. "Okay first don't ever call me that again!" She said laughing which made me laugh. "And secondly could you please get off of me before my wrists start to go numb since you're squeezing them?" She asked politely and giggled. "Oh yeah sorry." I said blushing embarrassedly. "You're so cute when you blush!" She said pinching my cheek playfully which made me laugh. "Well I should be getting back to bed now..." She said getting up. "I'll see you in the morning right?! Since it will be the first day of summer?" She asked smirking at me from the doorway. "Of course! I have something very special planned for tomorrow anyways so I should get some rest too." I said smiling at her mischievously. "I'll find out what you're up to later but for now I will say goodbye and goodnight!" She said and exited dramatically like a superhero with her fist in the air like she was flying. "Goodnight to you too!" I yelled back at her through the wall smiling at her superhero impression. And with that I fell into a deep sleep with that same smile that I couldn't wipe off my face ever since she left.

Brooklyn's POV:

It was a breezy Tuesday morning and I was still in bed like the lazy morning person that I was. But I got up and slowly got ready for whatever Liam had planned for today. He told me that we had to get an early start this morning so we wouldn't be behind schedule for today's activities. So I brushed my teeth and wore a new outfit that I got when I went shopping with the girls. Which was a pair of neon green shorts, a black crop tee that had the words, 'You Can't Sit With Us', outlined in white on it and my new pair of batman converses which I loved the most! And then I just combed my tangled hair out and put it in a slightly messy ponytail and skipped down the stairs to find Liam in the kitchen waiting on a stool for me wearing a plaid blue and black button-up shirt and black skinny jeans with red high-tops. He looked so adorable with his cheeky smile, neatly gelled hair and his handsome outfit. "I must say I'm impressed!" I said giving Liam a giant thumbs up and a hug. He kissed me on the cheek before releasing me out he hug and gave me a bouquet of red roses and inside the bouquet of magnificent flowers was a note. So I pulled out the note and he winked at me. So I opened it and it said, 'Brooklyn Payne would you give me the honor of letting me take you on our first date?<3 Love Always & Forever, Liam'. "I would love too.!" I said back to him meaningfully. I pecked him on the lips. "I'm really loving those shoes though." He said grinning at me cheekily. "Thanks! I wore them especially for you!" I said sarcastically and laughed. "How did you know I liked Batman?!" He asked curiously. "Cause I'm a stalker and it's my job to know everything about you!" I retorted back sticking my tongue out at him and smiled. "Whatever." He said smiling back. "So what's on the agenda for today?" I asked curiously. "Well I was thinking maybe going to the carnival downtown, then Nando's for dinner, then going to go watch the sunset on the beach, and then maybe picking up where we left off yesterday when we were finished wrestling.?" He said cheekily leaning towards me. I blushed and said, "Are you turning into Harry? Your so cheeky today aren't you?" I said laughing. "Yup!" He said popping the 'p'. Wait let me just grab my phone and we can go. "Sure." He said nodding at me. I quickly grabbed it from the living room from where I guess I left it yesterday and noticed I had 4 missed texts from Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Harry. How did they even get my number? I just lolled at the messages when I hopped in the passengers seat next to Liam in his yellow mustang car that he got supposedly last year for his 16th birthday. "Whatcha doing?" He asked curiously while driving. I guessed he noticed that my full attention was on my phone. "Oh I'm just texting the boys back because I missed there last four messages from them. Although I don't even know how any of them got my number..." I said confusedly. Liam laughed and said, "Well they are the boys so I wouldn't be that surprised if they took your phone when you weren't looking and added you to their contacts." "In a way, I'm kinda not surprised about that weirdly." I laughed and read the texts inside the car.

From: Niall

Hey Brooklyn!! It's Niall and I was just wondering what you and Liam were up to today? ~ Niall

From: Zayn

Hi Brooklyn! Zayn here just wanting to know if you and Liam could come to Harry's house tomorrow cause he's throwing a party to kick off summer.? - Zayn

From: Harry

Hey Brooklyn it's me Harry and I was wondering what you and Liam have been up to lately since we haven't gotten to talk to you guys forthwith past two days:( But I hoped you two remembered TO USE PROTECTION!!;) xHarry

From: Louis

Heyyyy Brookie!! Oops sorry I meant Brooklyn but Brookie sounds cute too so I'll give you that as your nickname!! Hehe cX text me back when you can!! Xx Louis

To: Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Louis

Hey guys sorry I didn't get to respond to your texts earlier cause I slept in kinda late today. But me and Liam are out on our first date right now but we can probably meet up with you guys tomorrow at Harry's party I guess!! And seriously Harry?! Did you really want me to throw up on my phone screen?? And I'll talk to you later Louis!! XD ~Xxx Brooklyn

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