Chapter 11

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Liam's POV:

It was 1 in the morning now and everyone was asleep except for me. The credits started to roll during the movie so I reached for the remote and turned the tv off. "I'll take you to one of the guests rooms okay?" I told Brooklyn. She just nodded her head sleepily against my shoulder. I got up and picked her up bridal style and walked off to the guest room quietly. Then I gently laid her down in the bed and pulled the covers over her shivering body. I kissed her forehead and said, "Goodnight Brooklyn. I love you." "I love you too." She said smiling into her pillow. I returned to the couch in the living room and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. All that was on my mind was how are me and Brooklyn going to be together when she's my sister now. Then what if someone finds out about us like my sister, Danielle, or worst. My parents. But they were on a 4 month cruise right now so I didn't have to worry to much right now. And Danielle already left for college the day after Brooklyn came. But if any of them did find out I made a promise to myself to make sure Brooklyn wouldn't get affected by any of them. I would make sure I would protect her no matter what from now on. After I finished thinking about those things I fell asleep quickly and easily.

"Liam...Liam...Liam it's time to get up now." I heard a soft voice say. So I opened up my eyes and found my face just inches away from Brooklyn's. She was caught up in my eyes and I was caught in hers. I leaned in closer and she closed her eyes slowly. Our lips were just brushing against each other's until Louis shouted out at us, "Cut out the PDA would you?!" I smiled and so did she but I still crashed my lips onto hers and Louis stormed out of the room with his hands covering his eyes while he was mumbling something that I couldn't catch. She broke away from my lips and said, "Okay now that we've had our morning PDA just like what Louis said it's time for us to go get ready now alright?" I stared back up at her with puppy dog eyes and she got up and said "Those don't work on me now!" "Seriously?" I said and laughed. She already left the room into the guest room but asked Louis if their was any extra clothes she could borrow. He directed her back to her guest room and said ,"Liam usually sleeps her when he spends the night. So they're should be some spare clothes of his in their that he leaves most of the time." Thanks Louis!" She said gratefully. And Louis exited the room and back into the kitchen so I just went to the bathroom and freshened up and took a shower but I had to use a towel that wore around myself to just to get around the house. I quickly ran into the guest room finding that Brooklyn must have changed already and left the room. So I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and put on a navy blue v-neck shirt and some nike socks and just walked into the kitchen to find everyone already eating their breakfast. I smiled at everyone and grabbed some toast that was already ready on a plate and started to munch on that. But then Brooklyn shouted out, "Oh My God! Guys school starts in an HOUR! They all had worried looks on their faces and rushed out the door along with me and Brooklyn. I totally forgot it was Monday today.! Louis dropped us off one by one at each of our houses and when Brooklyn and my house came up last we thanked Louis and hopped out of the car. Then we ran inside and changed out our clothes into some school clothes grabbed our bags and ran to school. I was really surprised that Brooklyn kept a steady pace with me this time. The bell rang about 5 minutes after we were already in class and we were both breathless from running a little but laughed at each other.

Brooklyn's POV:

A couple of hours school was over and I noticed that tomorrow would be our last day so I sighed a calm sigh and couldn't wait for tomorrow. Liam and I were just walking back home when all of the boys caught up to us and attacked us with hugs. "You guys made it in time?" Zayn asked us curiously. Me and Liam nodded at their question and just looked down at our feet and quietly. "Oh I get it. They want some 'alone' time. So that's our cue to leave now so we'll see you guys later then! Byee!" Said Harry. Then the boys ran off ahead of us and Liam looked back at me and laced his fingers with mine. I grinned back at him and he returned the grin but then something came into my mind. What happens if someone found out about us.. Dating! Especially Danielle or my new parents. They went on a 4 month cruise but that still didn't help me feel better. "What's wrong?" Liam said looking worried at me. Did I really have a sad face on when I was thinking that?! "Well it's just that.. What's going to happen if someone finds out about us? What's going to happen between us.?" I asked him looking at his eyes. "Brooklyn of someone does find out about us I will make sure that nothing will happen between us. I'm never going to let anyone hurt you. I promise." He said looking straight back at me trying to calm me down. I nodded and he hugged me tightly once we got home. "I love you." I said into his shirt. He cuddled me more into his chest and said, "I love you more." He kissed the top of my hair and rested of his chin on it. I never wanted this perfect moment to ever end.

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