Ch.30: My Queen

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SURPRISE!!! I'm updating XD

I thought I'd update since today's was the first day of school (for me) and yeah...

Jason's POV

The rooms fills with purple fog and Ian doubles over, grabbing his head in pain.

"Ian what's wrong?" I ask.

"The fog is doing something to him. It's not affecting me or Windle." Myah replies with a worried look.

I look around the room, trying in vein to find something to help keep the fog out of Ian's system.

My eyes land on two floating, glowing white orbs in the fog.

They come closer then I realize, those are eyes!

"Skybrine and Enderlox are here. Watch your back." I warn, running over to Ian.

Windle and Myah join us, making a small protective circle around Ian as he grunts in pain.

"Ian, take my helmet." I say, taking it off.

Before he can reach out and grab it, he passes out.

The fog clears, revealing a smirking Skybrine.

"Enjoy the squids?" Skybrine asks.

I grab my sword from it's sheath and out my helmet back on.

"What'd you do to Ian." I growl.

Skybrine chuckles. "Relax, he'll be fine. I can't say the same for you though."

Mitch's POV

"Time to wake up Mitchell." Dawn's soft voice coos.

My eyes flutter open and I sit up with a groan.

"Thank you my queen."

She smiles at me.

"How are you feeling, Mitchell?"

"Amazing, my queen. Your fingers worked wonders to my tensed muscles."

She blushes lightly at my comment.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you my queen."

Her smile grows as she hands me my hoodie and tank top.

"Here's your clothes back. Meet me in the throne room when your ready." Dawn says, walking out the door.

I throw on my tank top and hoodie then run to the throne room.

"What can I do for you, my queen?" I ask, kneeling at her feet.

A scream of pure shock echoes through the throne room, but I don't acknowledge it.

"Arise Mitchell, there is no need to kneel."

I do as she commands and stare at her blankly, awaiting my next order.

She smiles. "It feels so good to have someone to look up to me like I'm a god that'll do anything I ask of them without any question."

She walks over to me and walks around me in a circle.

"My queen." A derpy voice fills the room.

She stops next to me, facing the opposite way that I am.


"Prisoner 1 is done. Can he be released?"

She nods. "He is of no use to us. Go ahead and send him back to his friends. They won't recognize him anyways."

"Yes my queen." the derpy voice responds.

Dawn smiles and continues to circle me.

"What is it that's so intriguing about you Mitchell? your eyes? your loyalty towards your friends?"

"What do you mean my queen? what friends are you talking about?"

She stops in front of me and smirks.

"Never mind about your friends. I can't figure you out Mitchell. Your so loyal yet... You push me away..."

I tilt my head in confusion.

"Never mind. I'm talking gibberish... You can wonder around the castle for a little bit. I'll let you know when I need you again."

I bow respectfully. "Yes my queen."

She smiles and walks off, leaving me to wonder around.

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