Ch.17: Dawn is a WHAT?

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Mitch's POV

Dawn continues to circle me, her eyes digging into me as she does.

The others don't know what to do.

Should they try to keep Dawn away from me? or should they continue to stare.

I would hope they do the first option soon, because Dawn is starting to freak me out.

"What are you doing Dawn?"

She continues to circle me, eyeing me up and down, before raising an arm up and running a finger across my shoulder and up my neck.

Her touch sends chills down my spine and makes my knees wobble.

A ringing fills my ear and every sound in the room seems to sound distant and far away.

"Tell me the truth Mitchell. Are you part blaze?" she whispers into my ear, her voice seeming to echo above the ringing in my ear.

Her voice is charming and persuasive, making it hard to disobey her order.

"What are you doing to him?" Ian asks, taking a step towards us.

Two squid guards, who have been standing to the side, take a step towards Ian, their lapis colored swords raised.

"Just getting the truth out of him. Isn't that right Mitchell?" She asks, massaging my neck.

I moan, her touch making me swoon.

"Mitch? what's going on?" Quentin asks.

"He can't hear you. He's too far gone to listen to anyone but me. Right Mitchell?"

I nod mechanically, staring ahead blankly.

"Mitch! listen to us! we need to get out of here!" Quentin yells, running at us.

The two squid guards step in his way, blocking anyone from getting to us.

Dawn turns to me, a smirk fading from her face.

"Now where were we?"

She walks her fingers across my shoulder and rests her chin on the other.

"Are you part blaze?" she whispers, her voice soft like silk.

"Mitch don't listen to her!" Jason yells, trying to get around the guards.

"Yes." I say, my voice robotic and empty of emotion.

She smiles evilly. "Who is your queen?"

"You are."

"Good boy. You'll make an excellent soldier." she coos, pressing her finger into my neck.

Black dots explode across my vision and I black out.

Quentin's POV

I watch Mitch fall to the ground, his limp body in a heap.

"Too easy." Dawn smirks.

"What did you do to him!" Ian growls, pushing the guard back.

"Relax boys. He'll be fine." Her electric blue eyes search mine, before moving to Jason's.

Then I realize something.

I've only see one other creature make a man swoon like that just by touching them.

"She's a siren!" I gasp, backing away from the guards.

Her attention snaps my way.

"I'm sorry, what'd you call me?"

"A siren. You know a creature from Greek Mythology that can convince any man to do anything she wants just by coming in contact with them."

"How do you know this?" the king asks, stepping towards me.

"I'm a water type Pokemon who happens to love Greek mythology."

(I think it's Greek... If not plz correct me)

"How'd you figure me out fish?" Dawn spits, walking past the guards.

"I know a guy." I cross my arms with a smirk.

"Well then, let's see how much you know about me shall we?" she asks, reaching out and grabbing my shoulder.

"Siren magic doesn't work on Pokemon." I say, brushing past her and the guards to get to Mitch.

"Quentin... We seriously need to know how you know these things." Ian says, backing up cautiously from Dawn.

"We can do that when we get back right now we-" I'm cut off by a blinding flash of light filling the room.

When I can see again I gasp at who stands before us.

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