Ch.24: Again?!

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Adam's POV

I spin around and come face to face with those haunting, soulless eyes.

With a small gasp I run over to Jason and stand next to him.

"You can't run from me Sky." Herobrine says with a smirk.

Then I realize something around his neck.

"My amulet!" I exclaim.

His smirk grows. "Oh this? this thing was a prison for me. Now, it'll be yours."

His eyes flash a brighter white and exhaustion hits me like a truck.

I fall back into Jason's arms, suddenly unable to hold myself up, and struggle to keep my eyes open.

My friends call my name and yell at Herobrine, asking what he was doing to me, but I barely hear them.

Their voices sound far away and my eyelids become heavy.

"Yes Sky, you feel very tired." Herobrine says, his voice being the only clear thing I can hear.

My eyelids droop down and no matter how hard I fight it, I start to slip into unconsciousness.

"Sky stay with us!" Jason's voice calls.

The last thing I see is Ian and Quentin taking on Herobrine while Jason holds me up.

Jason's POV

Sky's body goes limp in my arms and Herobrine slowly dissolves into the air, Sky's amulet falling to the ground where he used to be standing.

"Well great. Just what we needed. Herobrine shows up and possibly possesses Sky again while Ty is still possessed by the Enderdragon!" Quentin exclaims.

Footsteps storm down the stairs and Myah and Windle appear at the bottom.

"What happened? we heard screaming." Myah asks.

Quentin, Ian and I exchange looks.

"Myah. Windle. We have some explaining to do." Ian speaks up.

"Quentin. Help me bring Sky down to the dungeon, just in case he did get possessed." I say, lifting Sky up more.

He nods and grabs Sky's feet.

"What does he mean by possessed?" Windle asks Ian.

"Sit down. We have a lot to talk about." Ian says, motioning to the couch.

Quentin grabs Sky's amulet on the floor before helping me carry Sky to the dungeon.

We lock him in the second closest cell (Deadlox blew up the first one if y'all don't remember) to the entrance, setting him on the cot before we do.

"What's going to happen if Sky is possessed again?" Quentin asks, his voice hushed.

"Hopefully we can find a way to keep Herobrine out of our lives for good. If not, I don't want to think about what we'll have to do." I reply, walking back up the stairs.

Quentin follows closely behind.

"Why does Herobrine want Sky so badly? I mean I get he's the 'official king' and all, but honestly he's not the brightest." Quentin says.

I nod. "I agree, but Herobrine doesn't get his power from people's minds. The stronger the will someone has, the stronger Herobrine's powers are while he possesses that person. We all know Adam has the strongest will out of all of us so it only makes since that Sky would be chosen."

"True. You and Deadlox come pretty close when it comes to Adam's willpower though." Quentin points out.

"I guess that's why the Enderdragon wanted Ty so badly too." I chuckle.

Quentin joins in. "Yeah. Who's going to posses you? the Wither?"

My smile falters slightly as we make it to the top of the stairs.

'Don't jinks it.'

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