Ch.15: Final Choice

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Mitch's POV

Ian jumps out of bed and rushes out the door, shouting for a team meeting.

I run after him and into the living room, waiting for the rest of the team to join me.

'Why would Enderlox want Jerome? what is going on in that sick mind of his?'


A couple minutes later the team is all gathered around in a circle, sitting on the furniture.

"Why are you waking us up at 1 am?" Jason groans.

"Enderlox showed up and kidnapped Jerome, but not before turning him into that monster he had been when Herobrine was controlling Sky." I explain, shutting him up instantly.

"Did he say anything about where he was taking Jerome? or where Sky is being held?" Quentin asks.

I shake my head. "Sadly no. I wish I knew where they were..."

"We can't send another search party to the End mainly because we risk loosing more people." Ian points out.

"True... Wait. You know the one place we haven't checked yet?" I ask.

"No." They reply.

"What other kingdoms are there besides Sky's?"

"None other than..." Quentin trails off, his eyes widening in recognition.

A smug grin makes it's way on my face.

"Fellas, we're going to the Squid kingdom."

Sky's POV

"D-Dawn." I stutter.

"Yes dear?" she asks, fake innocence in her voice.

"I-If I j-join you. Promise m-me I can c-control myself." I grunt.

She looks at the king, who sighs and nods his head slowly.

"Sure Sky. You can have your free will."

I relax a little more.

'She isn't keeping her promise you know that right?'

'Yeah. But I know that she won't make me try to hurt my friends, unlike you.'

'Friends? or enemies? your closest friend betrayed you Sky!'

'So what? I still have my kingdom and the rest of the team.'

He growls in frustration. 'Fine, make your stupid decision. Just know, if you choose the squids, you'll still be mine in the end.'

"So who do you choose Sky?" The squid king asks.

"I-I choose... S-Squids."

Dawn smirks and presses her finger hard into my neck.

"Say goodnight Skydoesminecraft."

Black dots fill my vision and I let out a scream before falling into unconsciousness.

Mitch's POV

We make our way to the shoreline of 'Squid's Beach' after about 10 minutes of preparing.

"Are you ready?" Quentin asks, looking at the water.

I nod and throw down the water breathing potion.

"Lezzgo." I say, jumping into the water.

We swim down to the massive castle, keeping an eye out for any squids that might stop us.

When we don't find any, we rush to the castle, Quentin making it first since he's a Mudkip.

He flings open the door, allowing us to swim in, then closes it behind us.

The water around us starts to drain and that's when we realize, we're in a glass capsule.

As soon as the bottom of the capsule is dry, the door opens, letting us walk around.

"Let's find Sky." I say, determination in my voice.

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