Ch.18: Distraction

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Quentin's POV

I gasp as Herobrine, Enderlox and Jerome appear next to Sky's limp body.

"Herobrine? what are you doing here?" The king growls.

"Taking what is rightfully mine. In return, I'm offering this mutt."

"Offer denied. Just because your a god doesn't mean you can order us around." The king declares.

Dawn slips away behind him as he does, but no one seems to notice except me.

"No, that's the exact reason I get to order you around. Now let me have him." Herobrine growls.

Enderlox throws Jerome across the room, making him land at the squid's feet.

"Take the mutt instead. He's strong, smart, and won't talk back." Enderlox says.

"Jerome is not a mutt." I mumble, earning a glare from Herobrine.

Jerome sits up at his name, his grey eyes narrowing at me.

"Jerome sit." Herobrine orders.

Jerome obeys immediately, not taking his eyes off me.

Ian and Jason run over to me out of fear.

"For the last time, I am not about to give you my most prized possession. Do you know how long it took us to get him this way?"

"Thanks to me you were able to get him at his weakest moment!" Herobrine exclaims, anger clear in his voice.

"We couldn't help taking the opportunity. Do you know how it feels to have your greatest enemy do your bidding?"

"Yes actually I do." Herobrine growls.

Dawn walks in through another door behind Herobrine and sneaks up to him.

'Should I say something?'

As if Herobrine could read my thoughts, he looks at me in confusion, then to where I am facing.

A smirk rises on Herobrine's face and he grabs Dawn, a diamond sword appearing in his hands.

"Trying to sneak up on me?"

"Yes, but not trying to kill you."

"I know of your powers little girl. Trust me, they won't work on me."

"We should try to take advantage of this opportunity to leave." I whisper to Ian.

He nods and whispers to Jason, who nods in reply.

"You grab Mitch, I'll try to get Sky." Ian whispers.

"Be careful, if you mess up Herobrine will have your head on a stick." I warn.

He nods and starts to crawl over to Sky.

Me and Jason start to drag Mitch into the hallway, careful not to let the enemies know of our actions as Ian follows closely behind.

'How'd he get those chains off so quickly?'

I shake the thought from my head and continue to drag Mitch into the hallway.

When we make it there, the squid king and Herobrine start to come to an agreement.

Ian makes his way in the hallway with Adam and closes the door quietly behind him.

"Let's book it out of here. Do you have a water breathing potion?" Jason asks.

I nod. "Let's go."

We run through the hallways and jump back inside the glass capsule.

It fills with water as I throw the water breathing potion at our feet.

When the capsule is finally full, we swim out and into the open water.

We swim as fast as we can, hoping none of the squids notice us.

Lucky for us, we make it to the surface without any problems.

"We need to hurry. It won't be long before they find out we're gone." Ian says.

I nod and take off running Mitch in my arms and Adam in Ian's.

Jason starts his jet pack and flies ahead of us, yelling over his shoulder that he'd let the others know what happened.

"What did Dawn do to make Mitch pass out like that?" Ian asks.

"There's a pressure point on your neck that makes you pass out when the right amount of pressure is applied." I reply, the castle appearing in the distance.

"Oh that makes sense." Ian says.

We continue through the trees non stop, until we hear a scream.

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