Ch.23: The Amulet

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Ian's POV

"His amulet is gone? he never takes it off though!" Jason says.

Quentin nods. "I know, but it's gone now. Do you think Ty took it off when he kidnapped Sky?"

"It could've happened. Do you think the amulet was what was holding Herobrine captive for that short while?" I ask.

"He told me himself that's what he was stuck in." Adam moans, sitting up on the couch and rubbing his head.

"Hey Sky. How you doing?" I ask.

"Not good. My head hurts like a b*tch." he groans.

"Well a b*tch did get inside your head." Jason says, making us all laugh.

"Which one? Herobrine or Dawn?" Quentin speaks up.

"Depends on the timing. At one point they were both in my head." Adam chuckles.

"Do you remember Enderlox knocking you out?" I ask.

"Do you mean Deadlox?" Sky asks, hatred clear in his voice.

I eye him confused.

"Yeah... he's possessed by the Enderdragon. When he kidnapped you he was under some sort of spell." Quentin explains.

"He was what?" Sky asks, his head shooting towards Quentin.

"He was under some sort of spell. Sky what's wrong?" Jason asks.

He sighs and leans back against the pillows of the couch.

"I spent this whole time thinking my best friend had betrayed me... when he was being controlled. Notch I'm such an idiot."

"Sky. It's okay, we all thought the same thing before the dragon possessed him." I say.

"I almost joined the squids because of this Ian! I almost let them control me because I though my best friend was gone! Don't tell me that's okay because notch knows it's not!" he snaps, standing off the couch.

His eyes filled with fury and remorse.

"Sky. We're your friends too. I'm sure Mitch would've done the same thing if he was out in that position since Jerome is gone."

His eyes soften and he seems to relax slightly. "Wait, what?"

"You missed out on a lot of things Sky." Jason says.

"Enderlox came by this morning and turned Jerome into a mindless, killing machine, then teleported away with him. When we came to rescue you, Enderlox and Herobrine showed up and offered to trade Jerome for you." Quentin explains.

"What'd Mitch do?"

The room falls silent.

"Mitch was put into this trance that made him do or say anything Dawn wanted him to. After Dawn got what she wanted out of him, she knocked him out." I explain.

"Later we found out that Dawn is a siren, thanks to Quentin." Jason adds.

"That explains why my head hurts so much." Adam groans.

"I'm sure Mitch's will hurt a lot too." I say with a small chuckle.

"Speaking of Mitch. What all did Dawn make him say?" Sky asks.

"She made him confess he was part blaze then made him confess her as his queen." Quentin says

Adam cringes at the last part.

"Queen? seriously? she made Mitch say that Dawn was his queen?" his face scrunches up in disgust.

"Yeah. It was pretty weird when it happened. We had no idea what she had done to him. All we knew was that she touched his shoulder and he went into this trance that we couldn't break." Jason says.

"She is so full of herself. Why didn't I see that when I was dating her?" Sky wonders aloud.

"She was probably using her magic on you." Quentin says.

"No... I have a feeling she got the siren powers when the squids changed her. She wasn't always so... hypnotic before." Sky says.

"Your theory is correct, Sky." A dark voice booms as a flash of white fills the room.

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