Ch.4: Fighting For Control

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An update as requested by: @TheDiscoDino... Here you go ;)

Jerome's POV

I stare in awe at the purple particles left behind from my friends.

Or friend and a crazy person.

"Guys! team meeting now!" I yell, running our of Mitch's room.

I run into the living room and wait for the rest of the team to join me, which took about 5 minutes.

"What's wrong Jerome? where's Mitch, Deadlox and Sky?" Quentin asks.

I look around and see that Adam was missing too.

'He got Sky too?'

"That's why I called this meeting... Ty kidnapped Mitch right before my eyes... I think he got Adam too."

Gasps fill the room, breaking the silence.

"Why would he do that?" Ian asks.

"He said he was 'doing what his master commanded' before disappearing into a cloud of purple particles. Someone is controlling him and I don't think it's Herobrine."

"What makes you say that?" Ian asks.

"For one, he's banished to the nether. Two, Ty's headphones and eyes were a deep purple."

"Wait, I watched Ty fall into the void in the end. You don't think it was..."

"It might be. I thought we killed him though." I reply.

"There's a special way to kill him."

I spin around to find Ty with his sword by his side and a smirk on his face.

"Ty... We're your friends not your enemies." Quentin says cautiously, holding his hands up.

I back up and join my friends in a group, holding my fists up for my 'weapon'.

His smirk fades along with the purple glow in his eyes and headphones and he drops the sword.

"G-Guys. Lock me in the prison. Now."

"Ty? what the nether?"

He grunts and grabs his head.

"Please, I can't hold him back for long." he pleads.

"Get the handcuffs that Seto gave Adam and meet me in the dungeon." I command, taking charge.

Ian and Quentin run up the stairs to the infirmary and Jason helps me lead Ty down to the Dungeon.

"T-The dragon made me c-capture Sky and Mitch. I-I-I'm so sorry. They're in the End right now." Deadlox stutters, pain apparent in his eyes and voice.

"It's okay Ty. Let's get you in a cell so you can relax a little." Jason says, trying his best to comfort him.

Meanwhile, I continue to push him through the hallway knowing that once he looses control, we're screwed.

"I got the cuffs." Ian calls after us.

He catches up and gives Ty the small ropes.

He nods his gratitude and slips them on, seeming to relax a little as he does.

"Thanks Ian. I hope this holds him back."

"Who?" Quentin asks.

"The Enderdragon." Ty growls, his hands balling into fists as he speaks.

We make it down to the cells and we lock Ty inside one closest to the entrance.

"Your not mad at me right Jerome?" Ty mumbles, looking at me with his hope filled crimson eyes.

"I'm trying not to be." I grumble, shutting the cell door and locking it.

He sighs and sits in one of the chairs.

"I'm so sorry Jerome. Mitch and Adam are in trouble because I wasn't strong enough the fight the dragon's power." Ty sobs.

Now it's my turn to sigh.

"Ty, stop. Don't beat yourself up okay? I'm just... trying to think of a way to get them back." I say, turning to leave.

He grunts, making my attention turn back to him.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Head." he growls, his headphones starting to turn purple.

"Go tell the others about Ty. I'll stay and make sure he's okay." I command, grabbing a sword off the wall.

My friends nod and run up to the Knight's Quarters.

"Ty, listen to me okay? You've got to fight this. He can't win Ty. You've got this." I say through the bars of the cell.

He grunts and falls to the ground, holding his head.

"Your a fool to be standing this close to me."

"Ty, don't let a monster dictate what you can and can't do in life. He can't and won't win. Keep fighting. Do it for the team. Do it...

For Adam."

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