Ch.1: Control

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Good morning readers (for me anyway)

Please enjoy an update with breakfast :)

Deadlox's POV

When I wake up, I'm in my bedroom in the castle.

'How'd I get here?'

Shrugging, I get out of bed and walk out my door, only to knock someone over as I do.

"Sorry." I mumble, reaching a hand out to help the person I had knocked over.

"Ty?" Adam asks, a look of shock and disbelief making it's way on to his face.

"Hey Sky." I smile, helping him up.

He wraps his arms around me in a tight embrace.

"I thought you were dead."

"I did too." I mumble as he pulls away.

A purple flash of light from his chest catches my eye and they land on his amulet.

The enderdragon's words echo in my mind.

'Bring me Sky's amulet.'

Power surges through my veins, making me grab the doorknob out of shock.

"Ty, you okay?" Sky asks.

"Never been better." I snarl, earning a shocked gasp from my friend.

No, used to be friend.

Master Enderdragon comes first.

"What's going on Ty? and what's going on with you headphones?"

I smirk as the green in my headphones turns into a dark purple.

'This'll be too easy.'

Sky's POV

"Ty what the nether?"

He starts to mumble strange words from a language I do not recognize as the glow in his now purple eyes starts to intensify.

I find myself getting lost in then as my eyes start to grow heavy.

"Ty... what the nether... are you doing... to me?" I mumble through the wave of exhaustion.

He continues to mumble the random words, making it harder and harder to not fall asleep.

"T-Ty." I stutter as darkness starts to consume my vision.

My body starts to sway from side to side and I try to not collapse.

The words he's mumbling change and the black goes away.

'Your mine now.' a demonic voice sneers in my head.

He stops mumbling and smirks at me, as if I were a piece of art that he had just finished.

"I enjoyed our little chat, Sky." he snarls, snatching my amulet from my neck.

The world around me starts to spin and I feel like I'm being squeezed into a small space.

When the feeling passes and the spinning stops, chains appear on my wrists.

'What the nether?'

"Hello Sky. Welcome to Hell."

The Powerful Trio (Book Two)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora