Ch.2: Capture

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Deadlox's POV

After teleporting me and Sky to Master Enderdragon's base, I lay the amulet on an alter like pillar, then I teleport back to the castle.

The feeling of immense power leaves my veins and I gasp at what had just happened.

'I captured my best friend... for a monster.'

'That's right, next you'll bring me the Canadian.'

The powerful feeling returns and I see my headphones turn a dark purple again.

'Yes master.'

I start to walk towards his room, but stop myself as the powerful feeling leaves along with the purple glow in my headphones.

'No. this isn't right.'

'You obey me now boy. Go get the Canadian and bring him to me.' The dragon growls.

I resist the urge to walk towards his room and lock myself in mine.

'Locks won't hold you mortal. Your mine.'

Pain erupts in my head causing me to grunt and fall to the ground.

'I'm not going down without a fight. I betrayed my friend and I refuse to do it again.'

'Unless you want to find your friend dead on your doorstep, I suggest you do as I say.'

'He must be important to you if you wanted me to bring him there.'

'Only to blackmail you into doing what I want you to.'

'I highly doubt that.'

A heart wrenching scream echoes in my ears, making the pain worsen.

'Believe me know?'

'So help me if you hurt him I swear to Notch I will-'

'You'll what? curse me to death? you can do nothing to me mortal. You are powerless against me.'

I growl in frustration.

He was right.

The pain subsides and power flows through my veins.

'Now do as I commanded.' He growls, clearly annoyed.

'Yes master.'

I stand and walk out of my room, a purple glow emitting from my headphones.

Admiring the magical look of the color, I walk into Mitch's room.

I sneak over to his bedside as he naps, shutting and locking the door quietly behind me

'This makes things easier on me.' I think with a smirk, raising my hands as they start to to glow a vibrant purple.

I grab his arms, making him jump, and mumble the words to the spell I need.

"Ty? what the nether man?" he exclaims, trying to break free from my hands which are holding him to the bed.

"Just relax, this will all be over in a second." I whisper, a twisted grin spreading across my face.

"Jerome!" he calls groggily, struggling more.

He makes the mistake of locking eyes with me and his struggles start getting weaker and weaker.

Someone bangs on the door, yelling for someone to open it as Mitch starts to loose consciousness.

I smirk.

'How easy can this get?'

The door slams open, revealing a worried bacca with a diamond axe in his hand.

"Ty? what are you doing?"

I let go of Mitch's arms, his head falling limply to the side, and turn to face the confused bacca.

"I'm doing what my master commanded." and with that, I teleport Mitch and I to the End.

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