Ch.29: In Again Out Again

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The schedule is now in play... I'll update again friday :)

Mitch's POV

"Your mine now Mitchell and there's nothing you or your friends can do about it."

"I am. And I don't want to be anything else but yours my queen."

She smiles and let's her hands fall to her side.

"Good boy, Mitchell."

Another scream echoes through the room and I'm broken from my trance.

"Your red eyes are so intriguing... who gave them to you?"

"Devon, my queen. He's a blaze." I answer, matching my tone from earlier the best I can.

She circles me like I were a piece of art she was admiring.

"Your one of the best servants I've had. I'm glad I chose to snag you out of the group."

"Thank you my queen."

She stops in front of me and stares into my eyes.

She caresses my cheek with her hand, sending a chill down my spine.

I shiver in enjoyment and grab her hand, holding it on my cheek.

"You like that don't you?" she asks.

I nod and let her hand fall to her side, mine doing the same.

Another scream breaks me from the trance.

Dawn seems to notice and grabs my hand, sending me back into it.

"C'mon Mitchell. Let me show you around the castle."

"Yes my queen."

She leads me by my hand through the castle, showing me where the knight's quarters is, the royal bedroom, the armory, the training room, and the lab are.

"Did you enjoy our tour?"

"Yes my queen."

She smiles and leads me into the royal bedroom, closing and locking the door behind us.

A scream rings in my ears, making me worried sick.

'Jerome... he's in trouble and I've just been frolicking around the castle without a care... Notch I'm such a horrible friend.'

Dawn turns back to me and grabs my hand, erasing all thoughts of my best friend.

"Lay down, you seem really tense."

I do as she commands and lay on my stomach.

She takes off my hoodie and tank top and starts to rub circles into my back.

I moan at her touch, multiple rounds of chills running down my spine.

She grins. "Feeling better Mitchell?"

I groan in response, unable to talk.

Her fingers dig deep into my skin, forcing my muscles to relax.

I close my eyes and enjoy her massage as she runs her hands up and down my back and shoulders.

"Go ahead and fall asleep. I'll wake you when I'm done." Dawn coos, pushing her fingers deep into the sides of my neck.

I moan in response and let sleep take over.

Ian's POV

We clean the armory and check up on Seto, then go back down to the living room to wait on Mitch.

"What's taking him so long?" Windle asks.

"I think Mitch's freedom didn't last long... The idiot must've been caught." I say.

"Ian! he's your friend don't talk about him like that!" Jason scolds.

"He is an idiot though. You've got to admit."

"Yeah, the same idiot that just saved your @$$ so I would be nice if I were you."

I hold my hands up. "I'm sorry. Look let's just forget what I said and prepare for Mitch's arrival."

"You'll be dead before he can even reach the shore."

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