"Exactly," with a tempered triumph, Itzal got up to put away the scissors.

I couldn't feel a thing, Itzal got on with other tasks in the background, I couldn't pay him any attention, I was trying to search through an empty brain. Staring through the floor into my own mind, with nothing in it. Trying to remember something, anything, but I couldn't. I must of been in this dazed state for a while, as eventually Itzal returned him attention to me, he knelt before me like an adult, like he something important to say, or a promise to make.

"Your name is Riko, both of us here live with this magician called Yuuki, he'll tell you he's offered to take you in, and I guess he has, he'll behave like a guardian to us, but he uses you like a lab rat, he practises his magic on you, to erase memories, many times has he emptied your mind," more rehearsed lines, I stared back at him, making him uncomfortable I think, he had to look away. "Don't tell him you know, just behave as you usually do."

I continued to gaze over him as he looked down. I thought his hair was black, but it looks like he had dark red shades coming from his roots. He was ghostly pale, and his eyes weren't right, the pupil and iris were all orange, and the outer section was black, but had I known any other eye? Yuuki's were the only others I'd seen, and they were the same as yours.

I guess, I'd have to believe his words, what else can I know? What else do I know?

"So you have cut my hair before..." if his story was true, then what he said before was right.

"Yeah," he looked back up, "I tell you this every time, I know you don't like it long, still you make this resolve to grow it as long as you can, until.... the next time he erases your mind, so I cut it again..."

I reached for the short strands again, at this length I could only she the very tips of my hair, even if I pulled it in front of my face. I wonder if what he said was true.

"But... I, I won't let it happen again."

The first bit of expression I'd ever seen on his face, was a ghostly smile, faint on his lips but left a strong presence. Most likely because, I'd only seen him smile a couple of times since. I had faith in that smile.

Itzal was right, it was just as he predicted. Yuuki, offered to take me in, the lost parentless child with no memory of even her name and treated us like he was our guardian. Yuuki didn't let me leave alone, if I were to go out, it was with either with Itzal, or with himself.

The first time he took us to a nearby village, the second closest to our cabin in the woods, I was amazed. I felt I had never seen so many people in my life, Yuuki guided us around and I couldn't help but look around in awe. He'd notice and point things out like some sort of sibling, or parent. Look at that building, that statue, that store, and tell us everything he knew and I hated how he knew so much.

Itzal, went out on his own once, telling me before he left, today was the day he secured his promise. He had some sort of plan, all I had to do was pretend I couldn't see. The first night I remember lying, pretended I struggled reading books, seeing far away. Itzal than presented the glasses, and after a while Yuuki approved of them. Their purpose was not to aid my sight.

Within a month of what I remember as my life, Itzal came up to me with a warning, while we sat in our little attic room. Rushed in like it was an emergency and placed his arms on my shoulders. He did so, but still with this dead expression on his face, the one he always had to this day, I often missed his rare and faithful smile.

"He's going to try and erase your memories again," Itzal warned, "he'll call you down in a minute, just pretend you don't know, act normal," if only I knew what normal was. "And he'll shoot this light ray thing at you, once he has just act disorientated, act like you always do... the first thing you would remember, behave like you did then..."

Nightmares *Rogue X Female!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now