Chapter 13: the choice

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Rose's pov

Today after the date last night, I realized that I need to make a choice. To be with tae or not be with him. After last night I realized I love tae.

Omg, I love tae!!

I need to call Jisoo and tell her. Better yet I will go to her house.

I went straight to her house, when I got there I knocked on the door. Her mom answered.

"Hello, is Jisoo home?"

"Yes she is. She is in her room, please come in."

When I went inside I went straight to her room.



"There is something I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

She sat down on the edge of her bed. I closed the door behind me, so no one will here us.

"After the date with tae last night, I realized something."


"That.... I love him."

She looked at me. I bet she can't believe what I just said.

"Do you really mean that?"

"Yes. I love Kim taehyung."

She gave me a big hug.

"I am so happy for you.. when will you tell him?"

"Tomorrow. I will invite him over to my home, then I will tell him."

"Oooh.. my best friend is in love. Can I do it."


I want to cover my ears, but I can't.

"Nah, dont wan't to torture you. I am so happy that you love him. We need to celebrate.."

"Hm... we can go to the mall?"

I have not been in a while so...

"Yes!! That's a great idea."

For the rest of the time we talked about the mall. We laughed, when we talked about the time she came over and forced me to eat ice cream.

She really is a great friend. If I never had her as a friend then I would not have realized my true feelings for him.

"Thank you Jisoo, for pushing me to be with him. If you never done any of that then, I won't like him."

"Your welcome. Are you happy now?"

"Actually I really am. I finally fell in love. I am glad he loves me back."

I remember when we had detention together. That was my first kiss it was an accident, but it was my first. Ever since then I always had feelings for him. I guess just until now I realized those feelings for him.

I know this time he is not lying to me. He is telling me the truth. He really does love me. This time I am going to tell him the truth.

That.... I love him.
Hello!!! Sorry so short. The next two chapters you don't want to miss. Please leave a comment!!

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