Chapter 6: yes or no?

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Tae's pov

"That, is how you kiss.."

She looked at me like I was crazy. Was I bad at kissing?

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Y-you ki-kissed m-me..."

"Yes, I did."


"I like you. I want you to be my girlfriend."

"I can't be won over."

She turned around and left the room. When she was half way out I yeld after her.

"You will like me!!"

Rose's pov

I went straight to the bathroom. I can't believe the nerve of the guy. I have been here for one week, and he already thinks I will date him. I may like him, but I don't think I like him that much.

I sat in one of the stalls. Maybe I can stay here for the rest of detention. While I thought that I heard the door creak open.

My heart started to pound.

Who is that?

"Hello, Rose. Are you in here?"

"Leave me alone!"

I covered my mouth. Stupid. Stupid. Why did I answer.

"I will wait for you outside the door."

Then I heard the door close. He will not give up. Will he? I got up and walked out the bathroom.

I looked around and saw him leaning against some lockers.

"Hey. So... will you be my girlfriend?"


"Why not?"

He gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Let me think about for a little while."

"Alright. Detention is over, but before I leave."

He came down and kissed me on my forehead. Then turned around and left me there. I watched him leave. When he was outside, I told myself.

"What should I say. Yes or no?"

That is the main question. Why is this so hard. I like him, but I don't know if I should date him. Ugh, I really need to talk to Jisoo tomorrow. Wait it's Saturday, I could invite her over.

<Jisoo> hello?

<rose> hey, you want to spend the night with me tomorrow?

<Jisoo> yes of course. I will see you at ten in the morning.

<rose> kk, see you then. Bye!!!

<Jisoo> bye!!

I can't wait to see her. She can tell me what I need to say....


That next morning I woke up and got dressed. Jisoo will be here soon. When she does I can ask her what I should do.

I heard a knock at the door.


When I got there Jisoo was standing there.


"Hey how are you?"


But internally dying on the inside.

"Actually I need to talk to you about something."

"Alright. Go ahead."

"Ok. While I was in detention with tae, we were just talking. Having fun. Well I fell asleep and when I did, he came up and tapped me. When he did he scared me a little bit. I jumped up and when I did I fell on him. I did not know till I opened my eyes that my lips were on his. He kissed me and I kissed him back. After that he asked me to be his girlfriend. I like him, but I don't know if I should say yes. What do you think I should say?"

She looked me, and looked like she was trying to process everything.

"Well, if you like him. Say yes..."

"I think you are right. I should just tell him yes."

"Since that's out of the way, let's have some fun."


Jisoo just left my house. When she left I could not help but think. When should I tell him? Should I tell him? I knew that I have to tell him on Monday.

Why does he even want to date me. We only have known each other for a week. That's not long enough to get to know each other, Is it?

I went to bed early that night. I kept thinking how I will tell him...


That morning I woke up in a good mood. Besides feeling like I might die telling him yes.
I walked to school and on the way there I saw tae waving me over.

He was standing with his friends. Deep breath.. stay calm.

"Hey tae."

"Hey rose. Have you thought about your answer yet?"

All eyes were on me. He must have told them.

"Yes. I have."

I tried my hardest not to sound nervous.


"You want me to say it right now?"

He looks around at everyone. They all nodded at him.


"Well my answer to your question is.... yes."

He gave me a huge hug.

"Yay!!! I am so glad you are now my girlfriend."

"Me too."

All the guys congratulates us. They all are really happy for us, huh.

"I have to get to class, bye."

"Alright see you later baby."

Baby? What in the world....

Tae's pov

I watched her leave. She seemed confused when I called her that.

"Alright tae you got her to date you, now get her to love you."

"I know. Don't worry she will love me."

I turned around and looked at her from behind.

Rose you will love me... but sadly I have to break your heart.
Hello!!! Hm... will she fall in love with him, or will his plan fail? I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if it was to short.

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