Chapter 4: the crush

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Rose's pov

After last night I can't stop thinking about that kiss. Yes it may have been on the cheek, but why did he do it. I kept on thinking up reasons on the way to school.

"Hey Jisoo!"

I waved and ran up to her.

"Hey what's up."

"Nothing much. Just happy..."

She looked at me like as if to say 'I already know what it is'.

"Does this have to do anything with a certain guy?"

I looked away and felt a blush coming on.

"I knew it!! It is a guy. Who is it? Tell me. Tell me."

I almost laughed at her cuteness. Almost.

"Well... I— it's umm.... it's tae—

"AHH!!! You have a crush on Kim ta—"

"Shhh... I don't want the whole world to know. I do like him, but I don't know what to do."

"Just talk to him and get to know each other. Try to hang out with him more."

"Well there is something else."

She looked at me wide eyed.. I took a deep breath.

"Ok. So last night when my mom invited her new friend over, she also brought her son. I did not know that her son was tae. After me and him finished eating we went to my room. Before he left he gave me a kiss on the cheek."

I waited for her reply.

"Omg he might already like you."


For the rest of the day Jisoo and I kept on talking about tae. When it was time for lunch he invited us to sit with him and his friends.

"Hey rose, Jisoo. You guys already know my friends."


"Well sit down and eat."

Jisoo and I sat down. We sat beside each other, but on my side sat tae. On Jisoo side sat hoseok. Hm.. they look good together.

All of a sudden I felt someone's hand on mine. When I looked down I saw that tae's hand grabbed my hand. OMG HE IS HOLDING MY HAND!!!!!

Ok rose... chill. Breath in.... breath out. Ok I feel better now.

"So how are you guys doing?"

I was trying to start a conversation.

"Good." They all said at once.

"Better since you are here." I looked up at tae smiling his box smile.

Why does he have to be so darn cute.

"What are you girls going to do today."

We looked at each other.

"We were thinking about going to the mall."

They looked at us and looked like they were in deep thought.

"Can we go with you girls?"

I looked over at Jisoo.

"It's your choice, your the one that said you wanted to hang out."

She looked like she was going to faint.

"Umm sure."

She did not sound sure.


After lunch we all decided that we would go to the mall after school. I am a little nervous. I will be stuck with tae for hours. What will we talk about? What will he say? What will we do?

I guess I will just stay calm, and try not to freak out.

Once the final class ended Jisoo and I walked over to the gate. Where there m was seven guys waiting for us.

"Hey guys!!" Jisoo and I said at the same time.

"We were going to go to Jisoo's house and change out of our school uniforms. You guys can come with."

They all nodded.

First we went to my house and picked up my clothes then we went to all of the other guys homes to. Finally we walked to Jisoo's home.

"Ok guys me and Jisoo are going upstairs to her room and change. You guys use the bathroom."

I changed into a pair of jeans, a peach shirt, white converses, and kept my hair down. Jisoo wore a pair of jeans, a white shirt, black shoes, with her hair up. When we came down the stairs all eyes were on us.

Not creepy at all....

"You girls look nice..."

"Thanks namjoon. Alright since we are all done let's go."

We walked to the mall, since it was just a Tuesday there was not a lot of people there. Once inside we all went our separate ways.

Jisoo went with hoseok. Yoongi with jungkook. Namjoon with Jin. Jimin went with me and tae. Not only am I alone with tae but with jimin to. Can things get any more awkward.


After the mall we all went home. Tae said he would walk me back to my house. I let him of course. On the way there he stopped me.

"Hey I saw this and I thought of you."

He gave me a bag with something in it.

"What is it?"

"Open and see."

I took out a necklace. It had matching earrings.

"It's beautiful, thank you tae!"

I gave him a huge hug.

For rest of the walk, we talked about school, friends, and our hobbies. It turns out we have lots in common. Hm..who knew.

When we got up to my door step I turned around to face him.

"Thank you again for the jewelry, and for coming with us today."

"Your welcome. I will see you tomorrow at school."

"Yeah... bye."

"Bye bye"

He gave me a quick hug, then turned around and left. He really is sweet.


Later that night before I went to bed all I could think about was tae. His smile, his laugh, his touch. I really do have a crush on Kim taehyung.

Hello!!! Aww she likes him. Will she still like him when she finds out the truth? Let's see....😘😘😘😘



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