31 : Shameless

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Logan mindlinked me to meet him at the buffet so we could go in the conference room together. 

I wanted to ask Victor Clark to join us, who turned out to be a really cool woman, but when I turned around she already had left.

I am sure she has some very important alpha duties to attend.

Logan's perfect face wrinkled when he noticed my unusual heartbeat when I returned. I smiled sweetly at him. I didn't want to trouble him with some minor quarrels. As the Luna of the Thunder Pack I should not be so weak to cry into Logan's shoulder just because of that little witch called Luna Mcgomery.
Luckily we had to hurry so Logan could not question me.

In the middle of the conference room was a round wooden table with assigned seats. I looked at the neatly written cards when I figured out that we were seated almost across Alpha Victor.

I wonder why she lashed out at Luna Mcgomery when she had called her 'Victoria'.

Maybe she doesn't like to be called Victoria...

But I wonder why? I mean, it's a beautiful name, isn't it? But I was in no place to ask her that. So I smiled at the woman who entered a little later. She winked at me before taking her assigned seat. 

Soon the meeting started. Everyone introduced themselves first, before the Alphas started to talk about upcoming collaborations and projects. I noticed that Victor was the only female Alpha. I listened attentively but couldn't fight the tiredness. Logan squeezed my hand lightly. I looked surprised when I met his warm smile before he went all serious again, to answer some Alpha's question. 

I thought that however people portrayed Logan, they did not do justice to him. He was more than brutal and cold. He can be so considerate and loving. However I am happy that I am solely experiencing that side of him. I suppressed the urge to put a stray of his dark hair out of his vision.

"Your decisions are not so well accepted Alpha Victoria." one bulky alpha suddenly roared, which interrupted my daydreaming

"Oh, they aren't? How so?" the female alpha asked lazily. She had rested her chin on her hand, her eyes were almost closed. It seemed as if she had slept during the meeting...

How can she be so relaxed?

Now her ocean blue eyes looked at the bulky alpha with little interest.

"You know your appearance is not threatening enough." the Alpha said looking down on Victor Clark. I noticed that this man was not respecting Victor's authority at all. I am not familiar with pack politics but that man's bias was not unseen by me. How dare he question her authority just because Victor was female?!

"Oh, you mean I am not ugly enough? I am sorry not every alpha can be as ugly as you!" she disregarded the alpha by paying more attention to her fingernails than him.

Ouch! I felt sorry for the man...
Victor was taking his remark to heart...

Just when the bulky alpha wanted to answer to her obvious insult she cut him of with a raised hand.

"I am a born beauty. Please don't discriminate me for being a beautiful alpha." Victor Clark said sassily.

I noticed that Logan was rolling his eyes but not making any attempt to stop her. I now understood why everyone was so afraid of Victor Clark.

Her sharp tongue was really something.

If I didn't like her already because of her previous action in the bathroom I am now officially going to befriend this awesome woman!

"SHAMELESS! HOW DARE YOU!" the bulky alpha rose from his seat. His mate was trying to make him take a seat but he just pushed her off.

"Me? Shameless, where?" Victor Clark looked around as if she was looking someone to tell her what she did wrong.

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