19 : Hidden thoughts

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I shook my head vigorously. "Not my intention, not my intention." I squieked. I was not making anymore movements to provoke him or it.

"Mhm." Logan nuzzled his nose into my neck "I think you need to be punished for your actions earlier. Weren't you defying my call?" His fingers circled the area of my collarbone. 

"I was delayed. Please don't make this harder for me than it already is." I said pushing his chest lightly. The green eyed alpha grabbed my wrists. "How were you delayed that you were able to ignore your own mate?" he raised my chin so I had no way to look away. How could I even? His eyes were way too captivating. "I wasn't ignoring you." I retorted. At least I wasn't trying to...

"What is not answering to your mate when he mindlinked you in your definition?" Logan's voice was cold. 

"What? Was I supposed to look away when someone is bullied right in front of my eyes just because my 'dear' mate called?" I snapped back.

"Who bullied whom?" Why was that man always listening to only those words he wanted to hear? "A human maid, which is most likely not the only staff that is mistreated by unruly werewolves of your pack." I poked his chest with my index finger. Just thinking of the poor Emily makes me angry? How long has she been maltreated by mean girls like Luna?

"You protected a staff?" Logan inquired. "So what? Never heard of friendliness before, Alpha Logan? 'Cause your woman does not for sure." I hissed.

"What woman are you talking about?" he said his eyes bore into mine.

"I don't know you should know with whom you sleep with lately." I growled. I was pushing the thought to the back of my mind earlier. But it was bothering me that my mate had sexual intercourse with someone like her.
If it was someone as nice as Emily I wouldn't mind. Or not as much...

"Tell me, who made you upset?"
Was Luna getting into trouble if I'd tell Logan? I hate her and I am sure the feelings are mutual. However I was not wishing for anyone to be in Logan's wrath. Not even my biggest enemy.
So I decided that I would let today's matter rest.

I wiggled away from his death grip and put a robe on going into our bathroom, knowing that Logan was following my actions. Looking way more alluring than I do.

"Can I ask you for a favor?" I asked instead of answering his previous question.
"That's not the answer to my-" Logan had climbed into our bed as well.
"Then as the luna of this pack I demand every staff to be treated fair and respectfully. No matter what race or background they're." I declared looking up at him resting my chin on my palm.

I noticed the upward motion of his lips, when suddenly his lips crashed on mine. 

"Nggh" I was surprised by this sudden attack. The first thing that came to my mind was hot.

The kiss was hot. Not because of a certain someone but also because it wasn't so forceful like our first one. And not so clumsy like the second one...

Logan actually put some emotion in that kiss. Just when I gasped for breath he let me go. "Not fighting anymore?" Logan asked huskily his green eyes took my every movement in. I was too embarrassed to answer.

"All right, since it's your first command as luna I will be following what my love wants." he kissed the back of my hand. I sighed in relief. And leaned against him. I was tired. Just when I closed my eyes I noticed bite marks on his arm...

"Was that-?" I trailed my fingers along the faint mark on his arm. "Are you feeling regret for biting the best part of you?" he mocked. 

"I am sorry for hurting you, Logan..."

"I will forgive you." the alpha cut me of.

"Is that all you got to say?" I asked looking next to me where the dreaded alpha laid lazily.


"You know, that you should apologize as well!" I insisted.

"For what?"

"You almost choked my Dad!" I shouted. 

"I was doing what I had to do!"

"That's not how you leave a good impression on your father-in-law."

"He wound my pride."

"You should have talked it out!"

"I don't believe in words." 

"Hurting my Dad is equal to hurting me." I said.

"And hurting me is equal to hurting you as well. Why weren't you aware of that, when you bit me? Why do I come second after your family? Am I not family?" Logan bombarded me wih the questions he had probably held in for long.

"You're my mate. We're practically one..." I mumbled. Meeting Logan was the most dangerous thing that happened to me. Not only did I meet awful people but I had to deal with an alpha that obviously had anger problems. 

"See? And still I am second." he muttered.

"My Dad is three times older than you. You still can't choke him. No matter whether you're the missing piece to me." I stated as a matter of fact.

"Can't you imagine your Dad messing with me?" he asked earnestly.

"Dad would never."

"There is no chance he was testing his only daughter's mate? Making sure his beloved daughter has a strong mate?" 

Why would Dad even be bothered doing so? On the other hand, Dad was always very protective of me. But, but he knew of Logan. All the rumours about the cruel alpha... Dad was probably the first one to hear them. Dad would not be so suicidal than provoking an alpha just to test whether I was in good hands. Or would he?

"I don't know." I answered honestly leaning against Logan's firm chest again. I heard his steady heartbeat. 

"Just rest for now." he hugged me closely to his body.

The last words I heard where: "You're able to hide your thoughts now, aren't you?"

Alpha's Mate (21+) | COMPLETEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ