10 : Mindlink

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I woke up on Logan's bed.
"Our bed" as he would emphasize.
Damn it! Did I really give in so easily last night?

"We did! And it felt amazing." purred Fiona.

She is such a b#tch for him.
And to think of that she's representing my darkest desires.
I shuddered.

Logan's scent was everywhere. Probably because I now do smell like him.

Aaaaarggghh, I hammered my fists against my head. Why did I let him mark me so easily? WHY?

I got out of this way too comfortable bed.
I need to go shower real quick.

Our bathroom was, to say the least, fine.
I watched my reflection and sighed. His mark was bigger than I thought and clearly visible if I wasn't wearing a shirt with neck collar.
And the moon goddess knows how much I hate those.
Then again those bruises and love bites he left...
I looked like a plum.
Not really but still..

Logan was not going easy on me last night.
But at least he didn't force me to do things with him...
He felt like the person who would do that though.

"You know that he's holding back because you're still on your period, right?" Fiona asked.

Oh, right. How considerate of that f#ckhead! That goodlooking, sexy greek god...

I went to the wardrobe after having a hot shower.
Mhm, let's see...
Oh, why is there underwear in my part of the wardrobe. It wasn't here when I looked through the clothes yesterday.
Don't tell me that he meassured me!

"No, I didn't." he chuckled behind my back.
"Uaaaaaaargghh!" I shrieked. I covered my breasts and well yeah, I had a towel around my body but still.
"What are you hiding from me, little mate?" Logan smirked. His sexy voice was tempting way too tempting...

"At least you do admit that I am sexy as hell now." his devilish grin appeared.

I didn't say that out loud...
Shit. The freaking bond!

"Are you telling me that you didn't know I heard every single word you thought?" he cocked an eyebrow already knowing the answer to his question.

"Did you really, uh... hear everything?"
I asked embarrased. Wow, I am more embarrassed by the fact that he heard me talking shit about him than him seeing me with only a towel.

"Every single word." his green eyes took my whole body in. "And I would punish you for disrespecting me but since my mark looks beyond beautiful on you I won't."
Well, shit!
"How can I control the mindlink thing?"
"I'll teach you when you're done with dressing." another smirk of his.
"Then get out... please?"

I was wearing a t-shirt and black sports leggings.
I had tried a high collar neck on but Logan refused to take me to training if I wasn't wearing something that exposed my neck.
Little asshole.

He took my hand in his while we walked down the corridor.
I looked at him satisfied expression was a sign for being comfortable with all the attention we got.
I was actually super awkward. People staring at me and whispering behind my back until Logan growled at them.

"You don't need to feel insecure. You're perfect." Logan mindlinked.

I looked at Logan who was smiling at me.
I just put more pressure in his hand.
I hope he doesn't think I am an idiot because I can't control the mindlink thing.

We got out of the packhouse and went to the forest. After a walk of 10 minutes we got to a beautiful peaceful lake. Logan let go of my hand to put a hand of his into the water. I stood around 5 feet away from him

Damn it, who thought that the most idiotic Alpha is a hopeless romantic?!

"I am not, kitten! You should now that." he growled. His tone was deeper...
This wasn't Logan, this is his wolf Mace.
He turned around Logan's green eyes were replaced by red ones.
I bit my lip. Why was Logan letting him control this time?

"What's your wolf's name?" Mace asked.
"I can speak up for my own." Fiona hissed.
Mace was not directing another question but from tickling feel I could tell that the two of them were having a conversation.

"Come here, kitten!" it felt like an eternity after Mace finally said those words.
I hesitated. Last time I met him he was on the edge of getting into my panties.
"I won't bite, come!"
Oh, that's so reassuring.

I got closer to him when he pulled me even closer. Now I was snuggling his chest.
"Logan, this is too-"
"It's Mace. And no it's not."

I took a deep breath. Fighting with Mace was for sure not something I wanted to.
I felt my body reacting to his touch.
No, it doesn't feel like sparks all over my body.
It felt like my entire body was melting and his body heat going over to me.
I got on my toes and kissed him.
He responded slowly before pulling away and looked into my eyes.
"You should not start something you can't finish, kitten." he whispered. Logan was back!
I retreated slowly. What was going on with me?!

"I wanted Mace to teach you how to mindlink, since he's a better teacher but you being all sweet now is something his ego can't take." Logan gave me a peck.
"So?" I whispered.

"I'll hold you tight and you'll try to mindlink me purposely. As you've witnessed" he smirked "the marked mates touch is very effective for wolfs."

"What if I won't be able to do so?" I asked challenging.
"I'll push you into the lake then. And trust me it's going to be cold."

Mindlinking was so easy when I was in his arms. But when he let me go I felt so lonely even though he was just standing two feet away from me. I couldn't get a single sentence to him then.

Logan cares for me but that doesn't mean that he would spoil me while training.
Water was my greatest fear. Somehow Logan knew.
I entered the water.
Cold was an understatement it was fucking freezing.
And I was not a good swimmer. I mean I can but I wasn't very fond of the unknown dephts, that's why I never practised.

I felt all the oxygen leaving my lungs.
I was panicking now. My body refused to fight against this familiar danger correctly.
I flailed my arms and tried to mimick the swimming moves with my feet. But I wasn't coming to the surface at all
And I was running out of oxygen...
So that's what it feels like to die. I wonder whether mom felt like this...

"Please Logan!"

That's when I heard a splash into the water.
I had closed my eyes. I was dragged to the surface where I greedily took a deep breath before coughing.
Logan had put me over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.
That's actually how I feel at the moment.
I felt miserable.
I've been here just a few days and Logan always knew ways to make me feel miserable.

On the other hand him holding me was something I could never miss. I don't know whether that was even possible but his hugs were addicting.

"Do we have to train more, Alpha?" I asked calmly still being exhausted from the traumatic throw into the cold water

He sighed. "It's enough for today." then he carried me back to the packhouse.
I was trembling and tired.

When we arrived at our room I was half asleep. He was right, sticking around my mate was more then effecting.
I was close to depend on him.

He rubbed me dry with a towel.
I was leaning against his touch.
The sun was shining through the window on his raven hair. It seems a little brownish now.
When Logan tried to take my clothes of I shook my head.
"I'll do that myself" I mumbled.
He just nodded went to the wardrobe and gave me a sweater. He wanted to leave the room when I mindlinked him.

"Logan I need your help with something."

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