1 : Alpha's letter

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"DAD?" I shouted. Where was he? I glanced into his office and his bedroom.

Nowhere was he to be found.

I stepped out of our small house. Even though my Dad was the village mayor we did not live in luxury as most people would think.

Outwardly, our little house seemed inconspicuous with the little stable where Dad's horse Joseph was.
He was probably feeding him. Even though Dad was busy as a mayor that would not prevent him from feeding Joseph by himself.
The stable's door was already open when I entered.

"Here you are!" I smiled. Dad was a very calm and wise person. Being an old werewolf he shared his knowledge with me, so I could be good on my own once he couldn't protect me anymore as he always said.

"Rubbish!" was all I would retort. With my Dad's energy he must be immortal!

"Darling, what's the matter, hm?" he smiled. Joseph snorted when I came in.
"Here is an apple for you Joseph." I greeted the old stallion before I turned to Dad.
"The postman gave me a letter and said it's 'very important'." I gave my Dad the letter.
I caught his attention "Very important? Since when is Nicolas taking sides when it comes to letters?" he studied the envelope and then frowned.
"Dad?" I was worried. My father would not frown at something if it wasn't bad news. And with this letter he did not even open it.

"Lauren, darling! Why don't you help Amy with lunch, hm?" he ment our maid who pretty much raised me, when Dad wasn't home.
"Dad, who sent you the letter?" I would not go in the house without knowing what's going on.
"Darling, its mayor's business. Nothing my little angel needs to worry about."
"Dad, tell me!" I could be quite stubborn, something I got from my Mom as Dad always said.

He sighed "Our alpha."
Then he opened the envelope. The wrinkle on his forehead deepened. "Alpha Logan is going to visit our village tomorrow. He wants to investigate the reason for our crop losses."

Oh, damn.
I never met Alpha Logan before. But must be a grumpy old wolf that was never to be satisfied. However my Dad was not in favor of alphas. Even though Dad hid his dislike towards our alpha well, I can tell that he had to restrain himself.
"You can handle him! I mean every idiot can see that low precipitation was the cause of it."
Dad nodded slowly "I hope he will understand."

Dad never takes me to meetings with other village mayors and the alpha. "Too many unmated wolves." was his reasoning.
But from Amy my trusted maid I heard of all the rumors about Alpha Logan.
About how cruel he is towards hostile pacts and how he takes five women at the same time. I mean, what the heck how can a man take five women at the same time?
Well, none of my business anyway.

I smelled potato soup. "Mhm, what's for lunch today, Amy?"
"Potato soup with sausages, hun!" she chirped.
Amy has been there my entire life. She was my mother's close friend and maid. When my mother was murdered, Amy took the place as my wet nurse and maid. Since then she ran our house. She was basically the mother that was taken away from me.
And I loved her even though she loves to gossip. Of course not about us but about other people for sure!

"Dad, received a letter from the alpha."
"Oh my god!" the ladle fell into the soup with a splash.
My maid turned around. Her corpulent body showed the sacrifice she made by raising an energetic girl.
"What does he want?"
"He just announced that he will come tomorrow to talk to dad about the crop losses." I shrugged.
"Oh, god! May you will protect us, Mary..." she mumbled. Mary, was my mother's name. Amy always prayed to her: when I was in trouble, when I did not come back home to curfew, when there was a rogue attack...
I never met my mother because she was murdered a few days after my birth. But she and Amy must had a very strong bond.

"Why was mom murdered?" I once asked Amy when I was 9 years old.
Amy just shook her head and told me that she will tell me when I am older.

Now I am 19 years old and still no one wants to enlighten me.

Dad always refused to talk about mom. I guess it hurts to talk about one's dead mate. But I overheard Dad and Amy once when I was younger. From that conversation I learned that there was an 'attack' or something. However my confrontation did not make Dad lose a word about mom's death circumstances. Not even Amy talked about mom's death and that was rather weird...


Author's note:

The cause of her mom's death was an 'attack'... what do you think of that?

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I hope you give this story a lot of love!

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