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"Hey, Ji Ae?" Eomma asked. I hummed in response while desperately trying not to faint from exhaustion. My hands nearly trembled from fatigue as I grasped onto my coffee mug. The familiar taste of coffee was nearly revolting considering the number of times I've drunk it at inadvisable rates.

"You're always talking about your great boyfriend, right? I want to see him next week," Eomma
lamented casually. The mug which was en route to my mouth paused.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

<1 Month Ago>

"ARGH!" I cried out. My eyes were so dry that my eyelids were basically scraping them everytime I blinked. Piles and piles of papers were stacked in front of me. Mugs on top of mugs dangling precariously on the edge of my desk. A lump of farbic rested comfortably on my bed. And I? I lay slumped on my desk.

My head rose slightly to meet the glaring lights of my laptop in the dim room.

It was a typical nightmare in cliché movies- one I never dreamed of experiencing when I signed up for my dream job. I was ecstatic, bursting with energy (what with being the fun 21 year old I was). Life was fun, the job was fun, until...

The boss came back. Ugh. The boss. She was verbally abusive and refused to let me quit my job due to the 3 year contract I'd signed. It'd only been 6 months into the job.

I was close to tears.


My head moved almost mechanically to the right has I picked up my phone.

"Sweetie, do you have a boyfriend yet?" I read aloud.

Lord help me.

I was so exhausted, mentally and physically. How was I supposed to find a boyfriend?

Yes Eomma. I have. He's great.
Sent at 3:34am

I sent the reply without even thinking. To be fair, Eomma HAD been bugging me about it for a long time.

Without giving a second thought, I continued with work.

Soon enough, all that was left in me had left.


The next morning, I woke up with THE worst headache. I groggily forced myself up and struggled to the kitchen for water. I had had enough of coffee.

Like every morning, my finger scrolled through the notifications on my phone. However, I soon came across texts that made my heart race - and not in a good way.


Those were some of the repeating ones. And they were all sent by none another than Eomma. I gulped before calling her.

Phone call:

Ne (Yes), Eomma

Soooo... Boyfriend?

Screw this. There's no way out of this now. OH! Tell her something about aliens! That ALWAYS works!


HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MARBLES?! That is THE worst excuse!

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