And about then I decided I need to get out of my room or I may start throwing punches.

The silence outside the house was one with a bad feeling in it; like something bigger is coming. Something worse.

So I sat down, leaning on a tree and waiting for the sun to rise, like I used to do when I still had Dylan.

Maybe it was because of the two years anniversary. Maybe it was because I kissed Derek. Maybe it was because watched the sunrise. Maybe it was seeing Joey. Maybe it was all of them, and maybe none.

"My precious little Shay," was whispered softly in my ear.

"Mhm?" I opened my eyes, one thing filling my sight; a pair of painfully familiar green eyes.

"I'm here for you."

And just like that, I woke up.


I walked by Lydia's side, trying to understand the whole banshee thing when she decided to freeze.

"Uh, Lyd-"

"Is that Peter?" she asked, and I followed her gaze. And there he stood, in all his glory; Peter Hale. And the biology teacher. "And my mom?"

"She's your mom?" I asked, the information new to me.

"Why is he talking to her?" Lydia wondered out loud.

"Um, I have P.E. So, I'll see you later," I looked at Peter, "you can fill me in later about Peter, or you could just not, but... bye."

I walked away, going to where Bobby told me the class's starting point was. Which was next to a bus. I got there first.

There was a thought bugging me; after the dream- in which I saw Dylan's eyes- I could swear to God I saw him. In the school's corridor, in the road as I stared out of the Bobby's car.

Dylan and I had a lot of inside jokes and private stories; we once discussed death. He told me that if an angel would escort him to Heaven; he hopes he would take my appearance as he guides him away from the real me. When I asked him why does he think he will die first he replied with a quote; “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”

And there I was, living for 732 days without him, yet not wanting to live a day without him. Torn between him and me.

But he was there. I could have sworn he was there.

And it both terrified me beyond belief and made me insanely happy.

After almost fifteen minutes of staring at the floor, Bobby whistled sharply, making me stumble to my feet and start running.

Kira urged me to run faster, as she started running in inhuman speed.

"Freaking kitsune," I muttered, when someone crash into my shoulder. I fell to the ground, and start cursing whoever crashed into me; only to find a familiar smirk followed by a laugh.

"D- Dylan?"

He didn't wait- because he never did- and started running again. So I jumped to my feet and started chasing the ghost of my boyfriend. My feet pounded on the forst's ground loudly, crashing a random twig or a leaf once in a while. His steps were completely silent, and it seemed impossible to catch up to him.

"Come on Shay!" he called, slowing down slightly. I sped up so it was finally possible for me to catch up to him.

"Dylan?" I questioned, making him stop. He smiled at me lightly. "Dylan? Are you real? You're- You're really here?" He caught my hand and guided it up all the way to his cheek, resting it there as his hand cupped my own cheek.

"I'm as real as possible."


"I am here for you."

"What do you mean you're here for me?"

"This Derek guy seems like a potential boyfriend for you; you should go for it," Dylan commented, pushing some hair away from my face.

"You seemed like a good potential boyfriend for me and look where it got us."

He stared at me sadly for few moments, and did nothing as my hand dropped from his face. Eventually, his hand left my face as well.

"Shay!" a voice shook me out of the green depths.

"Stiles?" I asked, "aren't you missin' or something?" Stiles, Bobby and Twin Cutie were standing there, the two humans panting.

"We have to go!" he stated, running ahead as Twin Cutie #1 caught my hand.

"Wait- I-" I turned to where Dylan stood merely moments ago. "I was-"

"We really have to go!" Twin Cutie announced, starting to run and drag me after him.

"Scott!" Stiles yelled after few moments. "Stop! Stop! Stop! Everyone stop!"

"How come you were in the complete opposite direction?" Twin Cutie #1 asked, as Stiles picked up some sort of a chain from the ground. It wasn't attached to anything, which made Bobby mock him.

He started clapping, "congratulations Stillisnki. You found a length of chain." he started walking closer and closer to the rest of the class. "Can somebody now please tell me what the hell is going on?"

"Yes please," I supported my uncle. He gave me a small nod, before almost tripping over a wire.

"Hey coach!" Scott called, just as an arrow hit his torso.

"Oh, crap."

It felt like he was falling in slow- motion.

My uncle.

Hit by an arrow.

Blood soaking his shirt.

Falling to the ground.

Please don't die.


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