Chapter 13- Answer

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"GET IT OUT! I AM GOING TO DIE!" Bobby screamed. Repeatedly. While trying to get up. Did I mention he was talking about an arrow that was sticking out of his chest?


I figured.

The last thing I noticed was one of the twins yelling about the rest of the class to get back and give Bobby some space, but me?

I had to be a crappy niece and get my eyes stuck on the boy I loved.

"Oh, no," I moaned to myself.

But it didn't stop my legs from walking after him as he smiled and gestured for me to follow.

 If I was the one hearing about someone following her dead boyfriend while an arrow is sticking out of their uncle, I'd be judging her. But it was killing me to not see Dylan, and it was killing me to see him.

It threw right back into that lonely place when he just died and all I could think of was him and seeing him and smelling him and hearing him, and just simply him. It was a lonely place that had enough space just for the two of us, but when it wasn't with him there was too much space yet  not enough.

I was certain that I had a while before anyone would notice I was being a shitty niece and disappeared, so I speed walked after a dead man into a forest.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea, thinking back.

At some point, he started walking too fast for me, and I just started running, without really knowing where to. "Dylan?" I called, "Dylan!"

I stopped, and started looking around me. I was alone again, and I had no idea how to get out.

And as breathing became harder, and the world became dark and blurry, I wished for Derek Hale to be there.

And then something in me understood the answer to the problem in hand; "Derek." I stated, standing up. Dylan was there again. "This is it, right? Derek?"

"For now, it is," Dylan replied.

"What are you doing here?" I tried again, and for my surprise, I got the closest thing to answer I would ever get.

"There is a thing," Dylan paused for a few second, "called Destiny. We've discussed it, remember?" I stayed silent, waiting for him to continue. "This Destiny is changeable; not completely. If a Destiny says someone will die from Cancer at twenty-five, he will die from Cancer. Not necessarily in twenty-five. Cause stays. The date might change, and because of that the course of life might change."

"What does it have to do with you being here?"

"Well, Love," he started, lips curling up as I frowned. He knew that I hated it when he called me Love. "Soon enough you might understand."

"What about Derek, though?" I questioned.

Dylan smiled, not a nice smile. A Cheshire Cat smile. One that made me question more than one thing as I walked away.


I found Derek at the police station.

I wasn't sure how I got there, one moment I was leaving the forest and the next I was crossing the road to the police station.

I shut my eyes, my head aching, and when I opened them, I entered the building and walked towards Derek.

"Shay?" he asked, as I squinted my eyes, trying to remember what was the purpose of coming there.

"I'm not sure what I'm doing here," I admitted. "I think it has something to do with Dylan. But it's impossible; I mean, he's dead. Dead? Dead. Oh, shit, dead. Holy shit," I paused. "Bobby was shot with an arrow. Fuck."

"Shay?" Derek asked again, trying to stand up out of instinct, but a metallic sound rung through the air as he failed to. I then realized he had handcuffs. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry. I kinda lost my mind for a second there, sorry, no, I'm okay."

"Oh, um."

"Sorry, I don't think we've met," I turned to the man that sat next to Derek.

"Chris Argent," he introduced.

"Like Allison? You her dad? Cool, he a hunter too?" I asked Derek.

"Have you ever heard of Grammar?"

"No, what is that?"

A phone rung behind me, and within moments everything became hectic. All of the cops were running and yelling at each other.

"What's happening?" Chris asked as a cop unlocked his handcuffs. Chris turned to Derek as the cop unlocked Derek's. "What's happening?"

Derek looked back for few moments, before he pulled me closer to him and shouted "Get down!"


Two bodies were pressed against me, but all I could notice was the harsh noise of windows shattering.

 "Can you hear me?" an unfamiliar voice asked, shaking me.

"D-Dylan. Where's Dylan?" I asked, pressing my hand to my waist. I raised my hand, feeling something on it, terrified to see blood. I quickly pressed the hand back there, so I wouldn't have to see the blood.

"He's right there," the man replied, pointing to the left. I tried to see what is pressed against me, but there was nothing there. "What's your name?"


"Shay, I need you to let me check you, okay?"


Something moved me, but the paramedic was yelling at the one that was taking care of Dylan, so it couldn't have been him. But there was also no one else close enough to me. 

"Shay, damn it," a voice said lowly. 

"Derek?" I questioned, looking down at my waist. My hand was pressed to it, but as I checked the hand it was blood- free. "Where's D-" I looked around. The place was a mess; "what the fuck happened?"

"A bomb," Chris Argent replied. "Is something wrong?" he asked, his eyes directed at the hand that was still pressed against my waist.

"No," I replied, glancing at Derek's face. "Not at all."

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