Chapter 17- City Lights

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so basically, this chapter is named as the book, because when I thought of the name I had this idea of Shay and Derek both having the same refuge; a really high place that you can see the whole city from, and, at night the city lights.

it didn't quite happen, and so, plan b was created, in which the following chapter takes place.


As I found out, Derek was not quite a gigantic asshole. There was no denying that he was most definitely an asshole, but just not as bad as I figured.

We were totally useless in the search of Nogitsune- Stiles and while everyone were doing something (the one thing Derek did do was save the twins from bullets or something, so we really did nothing about the Nogitsune. We are so lame, aren't we?), we watched MTV's Catfish.

We would watch I Used To Be Fat too, if it wasn't for my mom and dad coming back, screaming their lungs out at each other.

"Let's go through the back door," I offered, standing up. We quickly sneaked to the kitchen, and then out of the house.

"What now?" Derek questioned.

"Let's go on a trip," I shrugged. Derek stared at me for a moment before nodding. "Where to?"

He seemed deep in thought before a smile over-came his lips. "I've got an idea."


"Holy shit, it's high," I exclaimed, panting.

"What are you wheezing about?" Derek frowned, "I carried you half the way."

"Stop taking all the credit, Derek," I whined, looking at the view. "I still climbed the last kilometer."

"Maybe a meter." he stated, sitting down on the ground.

"Shut up, fuck-face." Derek laughed, and I glared.

"What?" he questioned my glare.

"You are a crappy friend," I huffed, sitting down next to him.

"Who said I'm your friend?" Derek raised an eyebrow, slightly smirking at me.

"Why are you hanging with me then?" I questioned. Derek raised his eyebrow at me, "oh, the sun's setting," I noted. I turned to look at Derek, only to find him staring at the setting-sun. "So why are you hanging with me?"

He turned to look at me again, for a moment his eyes trailing down from my eyes. "I have no idea, Shay Finstock."

"You're weird, Derek Hale."

"I just wanted to keep you company at Weird-ville," he smiled, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"Ew, Derek Hale is touching me," I joked.

"I bet you love it," he said smugly.

"I had better," I rolled my eyes and he suddenly fell silent. Right, I told him about Dylan. "Dude, t'was a joke," I tried making him drop it.

He opened his mouth, trying to utter some words, but eventually took his arm back, and buried his face in hands.


And then, he was kissing me.

I wasn't sure why, but he smashed his lips to mine, and kissed me softly (which was the complete opposite to the way he started the kiss, so who knows- maybe he's bi-polar?), his hands going through my hair.

The bigger mystery was why I kissed him back, and maybe it was because Dylan's voice was nagging me at back of my mind, repeating the word "answer".

It felt weird, fuzzy and warm in the stomach. I knew this feeling from once upon a time, when everything was perfect, and despite the fact it felt like a shadow of paradise, it was better.

"Your hands are cold," Derek muttered, barely leaving my lips.

"Luckily, you're hot," I muttered back, and we both laughed for just a second, before the voice was muffled with a kiss.

I swear I hate this guy.


"We should go," I muttered into Derek's chest. We've been leaning on the tree for hours, hugging each other, and napping. Well, I was napping. I had quite a lot of sleep to catch on.

"If something would've happen they'd call," he muttered in reply, his voice sleepy. I snuggled closer to him.

"You beat me," I admitted, though it wasn't a hard mission at the moment.

"Uh huh," he hummed into my hair, and I opened my eyes. I look over to the city first, before I look at Derek's peaceful face.

"Hey, Derek," I whispered.

"What?" he asked softly, his eyes cracking open.

"Look over there," I instructed, gesturing at the city lights. "Ain't that beautiful?"

"I've seen better," he mumbled, burying his face in my hair.

"Where?" I mocked. I've seen quite a few city lights (on photos), and only one was more beautiful; Paris. I highly doubted Derek was in Paris.

"Right here," he muttered, kissing my forehead.

"Ugh, you're such a cheesy motherfucker,"  I whined, attempting to hide my blush.

"You love it."

"No, I don't. Because I truly hate you," I refused to admit.

"Then why did you kiss me just a few hours ago, again?"

"Because you were kissing me and I didn't have the heart to reject a poor, unfortunate soul like yourself."

"Am I supposed to be thinking about The Little Mermaid now?" he wondered, awaken by my stupidity. I laughed slightly at his confused face.

"Let's go to find the crazy teenagers," I offered, kissing his cheek and standing up.

"Said the craziest teenager," he laughed, standing up as well. I started walking when he grabbed my hand. "Do you really think that this one tiny peck on the cheek will be enough?"

"Yes, because you are already cheesy enough," I stated, not wanting to be one of those annoying couples that kiss every five seconds.

"I am not cheesy," Derek scoffed, "I am just in-like with you."

"In-like?" I questioned, and Derek takes a moment to kiss me and ignore my question. When he pulled back, I repeated the question, my eyebrows raised.

"Yes, I am very deeply in-like with you, Shay Finstock."

"Cheesy motherfucker," was all I said as I walked off.

City Lights \ Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now