Chapter 2- Gummy Gummy Gummy Bears

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"Am I late again?" I asked, biting my lip as I entered the class.

"Yes, you are." Uncle Bobby said, quite angrily. "You locked the car?"

"Yup," I replied, throwing the keys at him. The keys dropped to the floor. "And you call yourself Coach."

"Sit down Shay," he barked, and I obeyed, smiling sweetly at him. "Back to Stillinski; are you gonna answer my question?"

"Uh, sorry, coach, what was it?" a boy with a brown mess of a hair stuttered. I guess his name is Stillinski. Or maybe it's his last name. Probably the latter, as I know my uncle.

"It was 'Stillinski, are you paying attention back there?'"

God, I love my uncle.

"Oh. Well, I am now."

God, I love this kid.

"Stillinski, stop reminding why I drink... Every night."

Coach turned back to the board, "and Shay, put Flash back in your bag." I push the comic off the desk.

"What? What Flash? Pfft," he turned to give me a look, and as he turned back to the board I picked the book up, dusting it off.

"Back to the subject, anybody wants to answer the question on board?" I tried understanding what was written on the board, but miserably failed, so I went back to staring into space and thinking about the day a lightning would strike me and I'd be as cool as Flash, but in Marvel's universe.

By the end of the class, I already named Clint's children with me, and had my relationship with Josh\ Elixir and Bruce Banner\ Hulk completely figured out.

All of us were over it, we were in a good place. But then the bell rung.

"There goes another great fantasy to waste," I sighed, standing up.


I waved at Isaac, Blink- 182 playing in the background as I walk. He waved back, smiling at me.

Nice fella, that guy is. Maybe I should be his friend....

But then again, maybe not. Takes too much effort.

 Ten seconds later, Lydia and Allison sat down next to him, closely followed by the Stilinski guy and some other guy. I think he was in Eco with me too.

I was staring at his jawline- that was uneven, completely fascinated, and found myself reading his lips.

"Okay, so what happens to a person that has a near- death experience and comes out of it seeing things?"

A crazy dude, I mused to myself. His jawline was so strange, and no matter how much I tried, I couldn't look away. His head dropped, and I pouted to myself. When he looked up, he looked at me for a moment.

"The new girl is staring at me."

When did I learn to read lips, anyway?

All five of them turned to me. Shit.

I waved innocently at them, and Stillinski's face-palm is heard through my earphones, and I can't help but to let out a small laughter.

Some Asian looking girl marched to their table. That might be interesting...

Not as much as uneven jawline dude's uneven jawline. But fairly interesting.

I tried reading her lips, but her hair blocked my vision.

"Bloody hell," I swear, going to my origins out of habit. Uneven jaw-line dude's eyes snapped to me, and I looked away out of embarrassment.

When I felt safe enough to look over there again, the Asian girl is smiling "Like demons."

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