Becoming: part 1

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It was an ordinary for the people of Arcadia. The sun was rising over the misty streets, and birds sang. It was early on this pedestrian morning that people woke up to the chipper voice of the radio.

"Good morning, Arcadia Oaks. It's 4:30 a.m. If you're still in bed, you are missing the most beautiful sunrise, clear skies, and a beautiful morning ahead. And big news."

However, the ordinary morning wasn't as normal as everybody thought. In the underbelly of the town, along a canal still shrouded in darkness, was a battle to the death.

"Yield, Kanjigar." Two unholy beasts fought one another. One the embodiment of midnight while the other wore a majestic suit of armour. They were clearly out of breath and tired, yet the onslaught of attacks never ceased.

"A Trollhunter never yields. I'd rather die." Kanjigar leaned against his sword as he glared at Bular, determination set in his features.

 "Terms accepted." Bular growled as he leaped into the air and hit the ground were Kanjigar had once stood. Sword scratched against rock like skin as the battle marched forward. Determined to defeat a Kanjigar Bular once again leaped into the sky- only to be punched across the canal.

"Your turn, Bular. Yield." Ready to end the struggle Kanjigar pointed his sword inches away from Bulars face. The two were unaware of the rising sun, and Kanjigar's victory was snatched away as the sun tore his attention from Bular. Taking advantage of the situation, Bular kicked Kanjigar away, successfully knocking his sword out of his grasp and into the ever expanding daybreak.

Kanjigar gasped in pain as he reached out into the burning daylight and grabbed his sword, facing Bular. 

"There is nowhere left for you to run, Trollhunter. Give me the amulet." Bular slowly advanced, he could practically taste victory. Kanjigar ran up the side of the canal and climbed beneath the bridge above. Bular had disappeared momentarily, only to reappear and knock Kanjigar off his feet. Bular quickly pinned Kanjigar to the ground inches away from the deadly daylight.

"It all ends here." Laughing Bular pushed Kanjigar's head into the sunlight. Raising his hand, he prepared to kill Kanjigar. He was surprised however, when Kanjigar caught his hand and brought it to the venomous light. They were now even, having turned part of the other to stone. Rearing back in Pain Bular drew his swords and glared at Kanjigar who was struggling to his feet."It's me or the sun. Either way, you're doomed."

"No. The amulet will find a champion. We will stop you and your master. I may end, but the fight will not." Having said these words, Kanjigar stepped back and folded his arms to his chest, before he plundged off the side of the bridge.

"No!" Bular gasped and reached out just as Kanjigar- and the amulet- fell to the ground and shattered. Out of his reach until night fall.

-a couple of miles away in a suburban house-

An alarm began beeping signaling the six o'clock mark. A groan was heard as Jim pulled a magazine from his face. Taking a moment to compose himself, Jim glanced at the clock and gasped. Skipping down the stairs with a spring in his step Jim began his daily morning routine:

Sorting the books in the book shelves, Polishing the furniture, checking household electronics. And of course making lunch for his dear friends and mother. The by had a certain flare while cooking, it was certainly one of his favourite pastimes. Humming a tuneless song, Jim walked up the stairs and creaked open his mother's door. Barbra lake had come back so late that she had forgotten to take off her glasses before collapsing on the bed. 

Smiling gently Jim polished her glasses, tucked her in and kissed her gently on the head. "Love you, Mom." 

Grabbing his helmet and bag Jim walked into the Garage with his nose in his motorcycle magazine, lowering it he was greeted with the sight of his trusty old blue bicycle. The garage door opened to reveal a lovely, bright, sunny, day and Jim felt a surge of Triumph. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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