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You always said, that you would love me. 

Fight for me and fight beside me. 

Never leaving me and never  losing your mind. 

I failed what I started, dreamed what you could not. 

Of dragons and  trolls, and stones that sing and gold.

Dreamt of people I could rely on.

My family is broken and falling apart.

My best friend is hurting, I can see it on his arms.

My life is a whirlpool of death and disspare.

No single person, will act, like they care.

So, off I go, to the land of my dreams.

Humans and monsters,  roam it, it seems.

I'm powerful beyond compare, with my new friends I fly through the air.

Never underestimate, what can make- 

with my  imagination~

Ohhh, ohhh~  ohhhhhh.

Promise me, now and forever,

 that we can sing and stay here together.

No monsters, no nightmares, no sadness, no tears.

Just you and me, in my dreams, 

With the stars above our heads.

Just you and me.

In our dreams,

For forever~

-A/n- ok before you all go flipping your shit, this is a lullaby. Make up your own tune for it if you want, it'll probably make more sense. Completely out of my head- but this plays into the supposed ending of this book, which is actually only about 6-7 proper chapters that aren't fillers. Itll all make a lot of sense, and fit in with the book quite well. If any of you think you can get the ending figured out, I applaud you as it is the most unexpected, yet logical thing you are gonna find in this book - right next to spewingout rainbow water. 

And no, this is actually not a filler. It's a very important part of this story, and will actually help you understand the 'dragon hunters' life better.


Wiggidy, Wiggidy over and out, Chaw!!


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