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You know? It's hard to understand something you aren't familiar with.
That's how I felt as I looked at the guy I had once called a friend. Eli. I'd known him since forever, as long as I can remember.
But how much of what I remember is real? I have a Father who works as a police officer. A mother who passed away when I was younger. A best friend that went by Snow, a guy who seemed to be something special and my uncanny powers.
Looking back on it all now, it doesn't seem right. Had a giant rock fell from the sky, it would have been all over the news. And a giant city in the sky?
How did I get there, every time, I cannot remember using a staircase or anything to get there. It just seemed to appear when it was needed.
And Jim, Snow! Two boys who are constantly around me, that's not right. Never can I remember having more than Eli as a friend....
I can't even remember my birthdays.

(Y/n's) POV

They say your life flashes before your eyes as your about to Die. Bull shit right? The only thing I can can currently see is grey and white, the world seemed monochrome.
Before me was my first friend, my enime--Eli. Tight in his grasp was a knife, that gleemed in the light.
An assassination attempt huh?
Heh, I was so stupid and naive to forget about him.
I won't reason with him. But I have to get something off my chest.

"You are my Sunshine." I began to sing delicately, ignoring the bloodlyst in Eli's green eyes as I truly appreciated the intelligence that usually shone behind his glasses.

"My only sunshine," Tears formed in my eyes as he snarled and prepared to stab me.

"You make me happy, when skies are grey." my heart pounder in my ears as I closed my eyes, not able to look him in the eyes.

"You'll never know D-dear, how much I-" i felt like screaming as the knife impaled my gut, everything was blurry and flashing, the light in the room fading as I struggled to sing the last line and a half of the song.

"I Love you.........."
Breath in.
"So please...."
"Don't take....."
"My Sunshine."



And more if you run out:

3rd POV

There was an unmoving silence as the young boy, driven on bloodlyst and anger stopped and waited for the song to finish.
It never did.
Slowly it dawned on the boy, that he had ended someone's song before it had truly begun.
He had taken his friend's life, with his own two hands.
He had broken her heart, tore her soul to shreds with guilt after she'd made a mistake.

Like every person has.

The world suddenly seemed to collapse onto the boys shoulders as he began screaming, the blood stained knife falling to the floor with a menacing thud." His voice was pained, and he was withering in agony beside his friend whom he had MURDERED.

Swiftly the boy hugged her rigid, unmoving, body. Tears staining her clothes.
Her eyes were glazed over and the life and intelligence that once swirled in them was gone.
Elu dragged his nails over his skin, aching for any pain that might distract him from the guilt and pain in his heart.

Jim Lake x Reader  Once Upon A Coma + One Shots Where stories live. Discover now