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Dedicated to Doomkaitlin!

(Y/n's) P.O.V

"I donts know what to do Eli, I'm not used to having dragons in my kitchen!" I sighed as I got off my bike and parked it in front of the school.

Eli looked from the amulet to me with wide eyes. " Didn't you hear the green one, it said 'First ever Human Dragon hunter' How cool is that?!"  I sighed and took the amulet from him before putting it in my pocket.

"Yeah I know but-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence as a purple glow was emitted from my  pocket.

"Does it work with battery's or something?" Eli asked as i began panicking and looking around; I was trying to make sure that no one was around.

"I don't know!" "Does it feel like your gonna change?" ...

"O my gosh, I think I am, what do I do Eli?! where in the middle of a hallway in high school!!" I whisper shouted as Eli roughly pushed me into a class room.

Eli's P.O.V

A purple light blinded me momentarily, and when the white dots faded I saw the coolest thing ever.

(Y/n) in her dragon hunter armour! I opened one of the folded wings on her back before she swatted my hands away and glared at me.

"Hello? Eli, (Y/n) are you too in here?" (Y/n) visibly stiffened at this and she threw herself behind the teachers desk.

(Y/n's) P.O.V

"Hello? Eli, (Y/n) are you two in here?" I stiffened as I looked down at my magical armour. I couldn't be seen in this outfit on my second day of school! In my panic I threw myself behind the teachers desk and made rapid hand signs at Eli to try and get rid of the teacher.

"Um hi miss Blue! Um what can I help you with?" Eli asked as he began talking to my maths teacher miss Blue.

A minute or two went by before my eyes landed on the poster on the wall of the room. I took in a deep breath and quickly snuck out of my hiding place.

"Hello miss Blue, Eli and I where just practising for the... Romeo and Juliet auditions! I smiled as I dusted down my armour and polished my amulet.

She raised an eye brow and slowly smiled at us. "Well then miss (Y/n) I suggest you both get a move on for there are only ten minutes left of the auditions."

"Of course miss Blue! Thank you very much. Come on Eli, too the auditions!"

-after Eli's audition-

I breathed in slowly as I walked onto the stage with my armour clanking quietly with each heavy step I took. My eyes scanned the crowd and came to a stop on Eli in his cardboard box. 

He gave me a thumbs up and with that I took a deep breath.

"And who will you be auditioning for?"

"Um, I'll be auditioning for the role of Juliet." I said shakily.

Deep. Breaths.

"Destiny... Is but a word of our future. Our future is a puzzle constructed with our choices. Some search their entire lives for a weight that is thrust upon the shoulders of few people. But now that we have the chance to embrace our future we must learn to conrol it. Don't wait... Choose."

And with that I swung my sword and sheathed it. After a moment of silance the small crowd of people burst into a loud applause. I smiled at Eli and bowed before walking off the stage. As I went back stage my armour de-activated, and the amulet fell into my sweaty hands.

I accidentally bumped into some body and I fell to the ground. "Sorry about that i wasn't looking where I was going." I rubbed my head and gingerly accepted the hand that was offered to me. 

"S'okie, im very clumsy-" I stopped and stared wide eyed at the dark haired boy in front of me, or more at what he was wearing. He had a glowing suit of armour on that was embedded with blue swirls, and on his chest was a blue amulet.

"Your the kid that stood up to steve(?) And punched him the other day! I'm Jim Lake! What's your name?" I snapped out of my transe and picked up my bag along with my amulet.

"The names (Y/n), pleasure to meet you Lake. Now if you don't mind I've got a friend that is waiting for me.

I walked past him and briskly walked down the stairs shaking my head in confusion.

'What if there was more than one secret race of monsters? No that's impossible! 

But is it really?'

-time skip to cycling home with Eli-

"That. Was. AWESOME (y/n)!" Eli ranted as I smiled and rolled my eyes. I looked up at the sky to see a beautiful swirl of orange, pink, red and yellow.

I slowed down and looked at Eli in confusion as silance echoed in the empty streets. Eli had a look of pure terror on his face as his eyes where Glued to the top of a building. I looked up to the roof of the building And froze. My breathing quickened as my eyes scanned the figure that was perched on the bricks. A dark shadow was cast by the large, scaly, red eyed, winged dragon.

My pupils shrunk as it's cold gaze locked onto me. "Eli, we need to move, NOW!" I screeched as a column of fire was thrown at Eli and I.


A/n- hey everyone! I hope y'all liked this update. I apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes as I am writing this on my iPad.


Wiggidy, Wiggidy over and out, Chaw!!


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