Sticks, stones and studying

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Your P.O.V

I pulled my bike to a stop outside of Jim's house and slowly pushed it to the side of his garage. Carefully walking up to the door I rang the door bell and waited patiently for someone to answer.

Slowly standing looking down at myself once more I shook my head at how many cuts and bruises where on my body. Not to mention I had a bandage wrapped around my eye from where the 'animal' attacked me. My breath was creating ghosts in the crisp air as I shivered and coughed lightly.

"Why does everything bad always happen to me?" I mumbled angrily as I heard footsteps racing towards the door. Suddenly the door swung open to reveal a tall woman in a doctors uniform. I smiled kindly as I said:

"Hello! You must be Mrs.Lake, I'm (Y/n). Im here to study History with Jim." Mrs.Lake smiled at me as she opened the door wider for me to come in. Quickly adjusting the nag on my shoulders I rushed in, out of the cold.

"Please call me Barbra! I'll call Jim for you now," I smiled slightly but tensed as I knew she was looking at the cuts and bruises. 

"Jim, Honey. There's a pretty girl called (Y/n) down here." I raised an eye brow at the word pretty but shook my head and dismissed it. I heard a door open upstairs and an annoyed answer echoed down the stairs.

"Mom~ I know that the pretty girls name is (Y/n)- I-I mean I know that (Y/n) is down there." Jim walked down the stairs with a light pink dusting his cheeks. Hey they matched mine! 

I carefully looked just Jim over and almost instantly noticed that he was covered in cuts and bruises. His hand was wrapped in bandages and he had a scar on his cheek. He looked troubled by my appearance to. I knew that there was no way that either of us where going to get out of this study session without going all sherlock Holmes on each other.

It seemed as thought both Jim and I realised we had been staring at each other at the same time. I smiled before I quickly grasped his hand and dragged him up the stairs to what I assumed was his room.

As soon as the door closed I let go of Jim's hand and turned to face him with both of my hands on my hips. Jim quickly copied my stance and raised an eyebrow. 

"why are you covered in more cuts and bruises than you where yesterday? Are you hiding something?" Jim questioned as he stepped closer to me. I scoffed angrily and took a step closer to him.

"Wow, your one to talk arnt you Judge Jim! Because your definitely not covered in cuts and bruises and bandages either." Jim's expression was blank for a second before he sighed and flopped onto the bed. Following his example I sat down next to him, and looked out of his window.

My stomach dropped to the floor as I locked eyes with the troll that was trying to kill Jim, Toby, Eli and I the night I became a Dragon hunter. It's golden pupils dilated as it tilled it's head to the side and barred it's razor teeth at me. I gulped and elbowed Jim in the leg.

"Oof, what the hell (Y/n)-" Jim stopped as his eyes landed on the creature in the shadows. It then turned and walked away as silance fell over Jim and I .

"Well that answers my questions." I simply said as I stood up and grabbed my text book from my bag. "Now I'm guessing you have some questions of your own?" I asked as Jim looked me in the eyes.

"Actually Blinky told me everything about what happened that night, so I was thinking maybe we could team up." 

I straightened up instantly and turned to smile at Jim. "You read my thoughts exactly Troll Hunter." 

Jim smiled and said: "might as well get comfortable seeing as we've both gotta give each other run down on the others world."

Let's just say that now that we know about each others secrets. There is going to be a whole lot of confusion, adventures, secrets and dangers ahead of us...


A/n- Wiggidy, Wiggidy wassup everybody. I just wanted to give a big thank you to every single one of my readers for helping this book reach 2k this quickly! Your all amazing and so supportive! However I'm going to give you guys a choice for the next chapter.

1. I'll either make it so that either the reader goes to Heartstone troll market and meets Blikny and Aarrrgh. Basically really fluffy and slow burn


2. I give you guys a brief history of what happened in the war between the trolls and the Gum Gums. Basically I'll go straight into the cool stuff, with battles and secret powers.

Anyway thank you so much,

Wiggidy, Wiggidy over and out, chaw!!


Jim Lake x Reader  Once Upon A Coma + One Shots Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя