Blizzard Of Pain

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Jim's P.O.V
"Is she going to be okay?" Snow asked as he paced around the room like a mother in distress. I felt sickened that he was acting so chumy with (Y/N) after only knowing her for a month, she's been here a year with me and yet she treats me like I don't exist.
"I don't know, she has some broken bones, we can fix the internal damage but the external damage will remain." The female before Me was another one of Snow's friends, and I didn't trust her, nor Reina or Snow one bit.
"Im afraid Mistress (Y/n) will be unconscious for a while before she can go back to school." Emerald sighed as she dissapered into a medical room.

I was currently sitting - with Toby asleep at my side- on a chair beside (Y/n). Fussing about the room was a girl that went by the name Night scale as a dragon, but insisted we call her Leiah. (Lia originally but Lia keeps getting auto corrected to Liam.)
Her clothes were monotone - all black. However her blinding purple hair settled against her dark clothes well. She had dark green eyes that I hadn't had a proper look at yet, and sleeping at the foot of the bed was her pet wolf:Frost.
(I am so sorry wildfire263, but you must understand that calling your dog Snow would have been extremely confusing. Love ya. 💙)
"I hope she's OK, I don't think it would ever be the same without her." Snow sighed as he put his hair down and kissed her goddamn hand. I was fuming.
"What do you mean? You've only known her for a month, imagine how we must feel." I hissed angrily as I stood up clutching my amulet in my hand.
I may not be able to equip my armour because of my broken connection to (Y/n), but this devil DOSNT know that.

Snow raised an eye brow at me as though that was the stupidest thing he had ever heard. His cold brown eyes burned with hatred as he stood up and gently put (Y/n's) hand down on the bed. For a moment I thought he was going to believe me, as his gaze shifted over (Y/n) and I.
"And please tell me, how is it that you'd miss her more than Me? I'd miss her just as much as you, even if I haven't known her 11 months in advance." His voice was steady and I hated to admit it but there was a strong sense of intelligence in his voice as well.
"I've been training with her for months-"
"ABD YOU'VE IGNORED HER FOR A MONTH AS WELL." He cut me off suddenly as he raised his voice. Startling me into the harsh reality of that truth.
"You were selfish and Jelous of her having more than a couple of friends, and I get that she missed a couple of 'sacred lessons with you, but that doesn't give you a good enough excuse for what you said to her." SNOW barked as Leiah nodded and slowly left the room saying:
" I'll give you both some space. "
My heart ached as I knew that had (Y/n) been conscious she would have said something along the lines of 'Well, it's a little bit late for that now isn't it buddy?'
A sad smile played my lips as I heard (Y/n) begin to mumble a name.
Snow and I quickly dashes I've to her side hissing into each other as she began to mumble the name louder.
She was asking for me! Of course she would be, Ive got a magical connection to her after all. I felt my heart leap for Joy as I silently (not so silently more like) began cheering in my head.
"Snuw~" I stopped breath for a moment as I felt my heart drop.
Snow's P. O. V
"Snow-" (Y/n) mumbled as her eyes slowly cracked open. I was beyond happy. I knew she would be asking for me!
As I looked beside me I saw Jim with tears pricking the corners of his eyes. I honestly felt sort of bad, but at the same time... It serves him right for being so vile and cruel towards (Y/n).
"Are you ok?" I asked as she smiled and nodded. She seemed to be concentrating on something before she opened her eyes and frowned slightly.
"Is Jim here, I saw him rush over before I blacked out?")(Y/n) asked as I smiled lightly and glanced over only to see both Jim and Toby gone.
"They were here, and they Really really worried about you. But I think they left a couple of minutes back to get some food." I suggested as I smiled and put a hand to her cheek.
"Well do me a favour, and tell them I said high if you see them Gareth." (Y/n) coughed as she closed her eyes and swore.
Nothing changes with you, does it (Y/n)?

A/n- I'm so sorry that Its Terrible. I have and idea for the next chapter and it's a bit odd but i will. Be trying to include the dodge ball fight and possibly put the episode with the goblins into the story;but I'll make it as original as possible, OK?

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed!

Wiggidy, Wiggidy over and out, Chaw!!
-Blue 💙

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