Bandages Troll! Draal X Reader

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Requested by thundeclaw. Sorry it's short! Enjoy!

Your POV

"Draal, Babe. Please. Chill with the bandages!! I feel like a mummy." I tried to reason with my panicking boyfriend who was currently attempting to drown me in bandages. It was getting hard to move, and I was starting to get irritated.
As much a I loved the big guy, he was worrying too much about my minor injury.

In case you're confused, I was training with my brother Jim, when he accidentally grazed my upper arm with his sword. And he was panicking so much that he had called on my dearest, carping boyfriend. And he did not take it well. They'd both ended up getting into an argument about me, which had resulted in Blinky and I having to separate the two before they ended up at each others throats.

"But (Y/n)!-" I cut Draal off with a hint of irritation in my voice.

"Babe, cutting off my supply of ocsigen isn't going to help me. But there is one thing that will~" I purred as I carefully hobbled closer to Draal. His elegant navy scales seemed darker as I leaned closer and whispered into his ear, making sure to breathe heavier the closer I got.

"A kiss~"

A/N- I an so sorry, if that isn't what you wanted. I tried. If you have any issues, Im sure I could change it. And I'm sorry that it took so long! I had no idea what to do with the scenario you gave me... So yeah I hope you liked it.

Requests are open!


Wiggidy, Wiggidy over and out, Chaw!!.

-Blue 💙

Jim Lake x Reader  Once Upon A Coma + One Shots Where stories live. Discover now